3 Tips for Handling a School Bus Accident as a Parent

June 21, 2023

A school bus accident is something a parent never wants to think about. It is the vehicle that they trust to bring their kids to and from school safely. 

Unfortunately, some children do not always get there safely. There were nearly 10,000 injuries from school bus accidents in 2021. 

If your child was one of those that were injured, you may feel powerless as a parent to do something about it. Do not lose hope. 

Here are three things that you should do after a bus accident. 

1. Get Medical Attention 

The first thing that you need to do as a parent is to get proper medical attention for your child. This is something that some parents overlook because their child may not be showing any signs of serious injuries. 

Go see a doctor anyway because sometimes, injuries linger and you will not always be able to tell there is an injury right away. A doctor can take a closer look at the child and with their experience, they should be able to determine if there are any internal injuries. 

Once you get medical attention for your child, keep any medical records that go along with it in case you want to take legal action later. 

2. Ask About the Accident 

The next thing that you need to do is to ask for more information about the accident. More than likely, this will not be too difficult to do. The reason why this is the case is because the school will likely want to jump out in front of this and address the parents. 

If you are not satisfied with their statement, ask follow-up questions. You should be asking about what kind of condition the bus driver was in while driving. You can also ask what caused the accident, if there was any obvious way of preventing it, what kind of condition the bus was in, and more.

3. Consider Hiring a Lawyer

Finally, if you believe an injustice was done to your child, you may consider hiring an attorney to take legal action. You can do this if there are permanent injuries to the child or even if there was a wrongful death. 

Just remember that if you go this route, you should not worry about having to pay a lawyer in advance. They will accept what is called a contingency fee in this situation. That means that they will take up to 40% of any settlement money that you may receive in this case. 

Take Care of Your School Bus Accident 

These are three of the main things that parents should do if their kid is involved in a school bus accident. You need to get as many details about the accident as possible to know if there was any foul play or negligence. Also, make sure your child receives medical attention to get an idea of how serious any injuries are. 

Then, you should seek legal representation. You can message us here for a free case review.  

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Michael D. Kelly has a diverse background that provides a breadth of legal knowledge that he draws upon in serving his clients. Kelly compiled an excellent academic record during his three years at New England Law in Boston.