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How Much Is My Case Worth In Massachusetts?

How much is my case worth?

Personal injury cases are not all the same. Thus dealing with them similarly makes no sense and assigning a fixed sum for all cases is an absurd notion. If someone gave you an estimate, or worse, an actual value for your case, then that’s most probably a lie. How Much Is My Case Worth In Massachusetts?

Personal injury lawyers factor in several things when assigning an estimate value to cases and even this is only when you’ve gathered all the records for your expenses and have gone through the preliminary steps. Of course, this estimate is not absolute and your actual settlement may be more or less than this number or range.

If you’re wondering about the worth of a personal injury case in Massachusetts, then this article will be able to help, but only in terms of explaining how the worth is established because there are no definite answers to such broad questions.

Before diving into the details, you need to realize that the value of your case will vary based on whether you decide to handle matters with the insurance company or take things to a court of law via a lawsuit.

In either case, a legal team of Massachusetts personal injury attorneys will be of immense help to you in improving your chance for compensation.

What Determines the Value of a Case In Massachusetts?

As noted earlier, the specifics of every case (and type of accident) are different thus one can’t put a single sum forward for every case. While all personal injury cases are unique, there are certain recurring elements that help lawyers and other legal experts set up a cost estimate for cases.

These factors include:

  • Intensity and extent of the physical harm sustained by the victim and whether the injuries may last for a long time, i.e. a truck motorcycle accident can leave lasting trauma for the victim.
  • The medical care required to handle the situation of the client, i.e. was it nominal or intense?
  • The duration of medical care efforts to ensure that the victim recovered properly.
  • How big is the claim for property damage?
  • What was the sum of all costs, including the medical expenses, associated with your accident?
  • The effects of the event on your short-term loss of income and long-term earning potential.
  • Will you need medical and psychiatric treatment in the future due to this accident?
  • How did you take the event emotionally, and how can this psychological trauma affect your life?

With all of these factors considered, your lawyers will be in a better position to bring up estimates for your case. Remember, that personal injury claims are meant to reimburse victims for their losses, hence, the compensation sum will vary depending on how much the victim had to suffer due to the accident.

Thus, the cases themselves don’t have value, they can only get you as much as you lost financially, physically, and emotionally.

Your mission here is to prove the extent of your losses and seek fair compensation for them, not one penny less. Experienced attorneys know exactly how you can gain the upper ground in the settlement negotiations and will help you get reimbursed fairly.

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Damages Sustained By Personal Injury Victims In Massachusetts

The types of damages associated with personal injury cases encompass both economic and non-economic losses. Economic damages include all the bills and expenses that resulted either directly or indirectly due to the accident. You can count all the medical bills, out-of-pocket expenses, property damage, loss of income, and other financial drains in this regard.

These damages, when summed up, will be your economic losses, but this is only one-half of the picture. And even here, you can expect some additional long-term expenses, so things may go a bit beyond summing up all the receipts.

As for the non-economic damages, these are not reflected in bills and receipts but rather in the way you felt because of the accident. Since personal injury accidents are deeply traumatic, it is only natural for the victim to seek compensation for the pain and suffering they had to sustain because of a said incident.

Physically, the nature of injuries ranges from minor to extreme. For motor vehicle accident cases, injuries like whiplash, bruising, lacerations, internal bleeding, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, soft tissue injuries, bone fractures, and disfigurations are very common. Amputations are also a possibility in some cases involving huge vehicles.

Similarly, slip and fall accident, animal attacks, medical malpractice, and defective product side effects will create their own set of problems for the sufferer.

In addition to the physical trauma or discomfort (which overlaps with financial loss as well, i.e. loss of income), such events also leave the user under deep psychological stress which may take time to fade off. The standard practice in this regard is to assign a multiple between 1.5 and 5 to the sum of economic damages – the resultant value becomes the total compensation for economic and non-economic losses.

Thus, based on the extent of the non-economic damages and the sum of financial losses, the compensation will also vary.

This, of course, only applies to the demands laid before the insurance company and whether they accept those demands. If things go to a court of law, then the award will depend on what the jury feels about your losses and how well your lawyer can convince them about the extent of damages you sustained due to someone’s negligence.

How Much Is My Case Worth In Massachusetts? Who Can Help With Case Value Estimation?

You will need the help of experts to figure out the position of your case and what you can expect out of it. To keep your expectations realistic and to avoid getting ripped off by the insurance company, you should contact experienced attorneys as soon as possible; they will connect with other experts to give you a fair estimate.

Medical experts can help unveil the long-term impact of your injuries and how much time will be needed for you to recover completely. The diagnosis reports will also become instrumental as some injuries are known to have a high pain threshold and are thus deserving of a bigger sum in compensation. Medical experts can also help you establish a relationship between your injuries and the accident.

Rehab specialists can weigh in about the duration needed for you to take your life back to normalcy which will also factor in putting a value on your case. As for the impact on your earning potential and its long-term impacts, you will need the opinion of an economist.

Thus, only after reviewing every aspect of a case, can lawyers help their clients with an estimate on the worth of their troubles. The sum will reflect directly on your losses: it will be meager for minor cases but higher for serious ones.

Usually, the payout is a couple of thousand dollars, but it can be and has been as high as hundreds of thousands of dollars!

Michael Kelly Will Ensure Fair Compensation For Your Losses

The thing with the legal business is that most people are deterred to explore their options, fearing that they might not be able to afford professional lawyers. However, you should not worry yourself with such thoughts because our lawyers at Michael Kelly work personal injury clients without any upfront fees and will only ask for a payment if you win your claim.

In short: you won’t have to pay us a penny from your pocket!

We always push things to the limit when it comes to winning special damages for our clients and ensuring that their compensation is as good as it can be. Michael Kelly have helped tons of clients in the past to claim fair settlements for their losses.

You don’t have to go through this mess on your own because you have us.

Give us a call today, and we’ll handle everything from there on!

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