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What Information Should You Bring to Your Free Consultation with Your Boston Car Accident Lawyer?

Boston car accident lawyer

After your car accident, you’ll probably be scared and a bit lost. You know deep down that you’re entitled to compensation. However, you won’t really know how to get that compensation without speaking to a Boston car accident lawyer. That’s why it’s really important that you reach out to one as soon as possible after your car wreck.

You Want to Provide Your Boston Car Accident Lawyer with as Much Information as Possible

You want to provide your Boston car accident lawyer with as much information as possible. Knowledge is power. The more your attorney knows, the better they’ll be able to prepare your case. Information is like ammunition. You don’t want the defendant’s lawyer to have ammunition that your attorney doesn’t have. That’s why you want to bring as much information to your initial consultation as possible. This includes any or all of the following:

  1. A copy of the police report
  2. Copies of any correspondence from the defendant, their attorney, or their insurance company
  3. Pictures of the accident scene
  4. A copy of your medical records
  5. Any social media posts you have found about the crash
  6. Copies of your out-of-pocket expenses such as medical bills, auto repairs, and travel for doctor’s appointments
  7. Proof of any time missed from work in the form of paystubs or timesheets

Your Boston car accident lawyer will take all of this information and review it to see what is useful. It’s better to provide too much information rather than too little.

It’s Important That You Be as Honest as Possible

One of the mistakes plaintiffs make is not telling their Boston car accident lawyer the truth. Sometimes it’s because they’re afraid they’ll get in trouble. For example, if they were driving without a valid driver’s license, they may not disclose this to their attorney. However, this is going to come out if your case goes to trial. You can expect the defendant’s lawyer to be well aware of this. The only way your lawyer can properly prepare your case is if you tell them the whole truth. If you were partially at fault, that’s okay. In Massachusetts, they follow the comparative negligence rule. That means that, as long as you’re less than 51% at fault, you can still collect damages. However, if your lawyer doesn’t find out you were partially at fault until months into your lawsuit, they’ll look a bit foolish. If they’re going to negotiate a settlement with the defendant’s lawyer, they need to know what they’re up against.

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What Happens During Your Free Initial Consultation with Your Boston Car Accident Lawyer?

A lot of car accident victims are afraid to go to their initial consultation with a Boston car accident lawyer. They get the same nervous feeling they have when to go on a really important job interview. That makes sense. It is an important meeting. However, there’s nothing to be nervous about. You’re going to tell your attorney your story. You’ll any questions they have to the best of your ability. You’ll also get a chance to ask your Boston car accident lawyer any questions you have. They’re not going to pass judgment. They will be honest. If they don’t think you have a case, they’ll let you know. But they’ll also tell you what your case may be worth. It’s better to be upfront and honest than to sugarcoat the situation.

Contact a Seasoned Boston Car Accident Lawyer as Soon as Possible

Some people try to wait until the last minute to hire a car wreck attorney in Boston. They figure they’ll try to resolve the matter on their own before they give an attorney a third of their money. What they don’t realize is that the longer you wait, the harder it is to prove your case. You also have to realize that if you wait too long, you’ll get nothing. Like it or not, if you’re not a lawyer, you don’t know the first thing about filing a car accident lawsuit. Even a simple mistake can destroy your entire case. That’s why you’re better off relying on a trained Boston car accident lawyer.

Call our office and set up a date and time to meet with one of our attorneys. Take the time to discuss your case with somebody who knows the law. The consultation is free, and you don’t have to pay anything until your case is resolved.

30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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