5 of the Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents

April 14, 2023

Every year, there are more than 500,000 truck accidents in the United States on average. Unfortunately, many of those truck accidents are fatal.

And the worst part? Most truck accidents are preventable! It just takes dedication and focus when you are driving to prevent a trucking accident. 

So what are the most common causes of truck accidents? Keep reading to learn what you should do in terms of legal help if you ever find yourself in that situation.  

1. Driver Fatigue

One of the most common reasons for truck accidents is driving fatigue. Truckers drive long hours. Some drivers also feel pressured to continue driving, disregarding the laws that state you must take certain breaks, and often continue driving when they should not in order to meet tight delivery schedules.

This causes a lot of unnecessary truck accidents that could be avoided if the truck driving laws were followed.

2. Distracted Driving

Whether you are a truck driver or a driver of a car, distracted driving is one of the main culprits behind trucking accidents. This is dangerous to do and is also illegal. 

This is especially true when it comes to trucks because of their size.

If truck drivers text or take their eyes off the road for something, this can easily cause a devastating accident.

3. Poor Vehicle Maintenance

Large trucks need a lot of maintenance. They should always be in good condition to ensure road safety. This means checking brakes, fluid, the engine, and more.

If your truck accident case was caused by poor truck maintenance, this may be challenging, and you should speak with a truck crash lawyer for legal advice.

4. Inclement Weather

Inclement weather, such as snow, rain, and fog, are all potential hazards to any moving vehicles, especially larger trucks.

These types of weather can reduce tire traction, causing trucks to slip into other lanes, guardrails, or off the road. This can cause a crash into another vehicle or a solo truck accident.

If there is ever inclement weather on the road, it is best practice to pull over and wait it out. It’s not worth the danger and damage that it could potentially cause.

5. Lack of Training

Truck drivers need to be trained properly because driving a truck is much different than driving a passenger vehicle. There is special training that comes along with this job.

A truck driver that doesn’t undergo the proper training may make mistakes much more easily. This endangers other drivers as well as themselves.

Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can happen for any reason. However, these are some of the most common reasons for truck accidents to occur. And most of the time, they are preventable accidents.

If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having gotten in a truck accident, you may need legal help. If you need a truck accident lawyer, you can contact us at 617-444-4444 to help you out of your situation.

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Michael D. Kelly has a diverse background that provides a breadth of legal knowledge that he draws upon in serving his clients. Kelly compiled an excellent academic record during his three years at New England Law in Boston.