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8 Car Accident Claim Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Michael D. Kelly
car accident claim mistakes

Car accident claim mistakes can cost you the compensation you deserve in Boston, Massachusetts. From missing your claim filing deadline to mixing up your car accident claim documents, it is easy to make mistakes under stress.

The right guidance can make your claim filing process a breeze, so you can get back to what’s most important.

Here’s your 8-point brief on what to avoid. Let’s get started.

1. Delay Is the Cause of Most Car Accident Claim Mistakes

Most states apply a 2-year claim filing deadline from the time of your accident. By this time, it will be harder to get the evidence you need. Start the claims filing process as soon as possible.

2. Failing to Gather Enough Evidence

Photographs and witness statements are vital to your claim. Photograph the scene, your injuries, and things that led to your car accident injury. Keep your car accident claim documents organized and ask your lawyer to review them.

3. Dodging the Essential Calls

Call the police straight away and ask for medical aid. You should also notify your personal injury lawyer and your insurance company as soon as you are able. This begins the claim filing process and gets the ball rolling.

4. Speaking to Other Parties Without Your Car Accident Lawyer

You need representation during opposing party interactions. You could hurt your case if you give the wrong information. It is best to avoid calls from the other party until your lawyer is there to guide you.

5. Taking the First Settlement Offer

Most car accident lawsuits are settled way before court – legal costs are too high. That said, if the other party offers you an early settlement, you should refer to your lawyer. You may be due a much higher level of compensation.

6. Giving Details on Social Media

Aside from close friends and family, you should avoid talking about your accident until the claims filing process is complete. Social media is technically published content, and while a case is ongoing, you could face libel charges for assigning public blame before it is proven.

7. Finding a Car Accident Lawyer Too Late

With so many cars on the road, accidents are always a risk in Boston, MA. Shopping around for a car accident lawyer in your area puts you ahead if the worst happens. When the claims filing deadline clock is ticking, the last thing you need is a stressful search for representation.

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8. Skipping Medical Evaluation

Even if your injuries are minor, seek medical advice immediately. The reason for this is twofold. You will make sure you have no underlying injuries, and you will gain evidence in the form of a doctor’s note.

Do You Need Help with a Personal Injury Claim in Boston, Massachusetts?

Avoiding car accident claim mistakes is crucial when you need personal injury compensation. We hope this guide helps you make the right choices, so you can focus on your healing and move on.

Our team at Michael Kelly will give you the personal attention you need. We can guide you through every step of your claim, and we’ll take care of the stressful details.

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