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What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Boston Personal Injury Lawyer

Did you know that there were almost 98 million emergency department visits for unintentional injuries in 2018 alone?

You might hear “personal injury” and immediately think of car accidents, but there’s a lot more that a personal injury lawyer can help you with. Hiring an attorney can make sense in a lot of different scenarios, but what can they bring to your case that you can’t find elsewhere?

Read on to find out.


Following any accident leading to injuries, you’re going to be in an emotional place. You’re also likely to be in a lot of pain, and the last thing you want to focus on at that point is self-representing during your case. Trauma of any kind can make it harder to deal with things objectively, but that’s where hiring a lawyer comes into play.

They’ll be able to remain objective on things you might not be able to, and it’ll be a lot easier to have your claim handled quickly and professionally.

One of the biggest benefits of lawyers is the sheer amount of experience they can bring to the table, along with the knowledge that’s necessary to help settle your claim.

When you’re talking with different attornies, be sure to ask them whether or not they’ve handled a case like yours in the past. If the answer is yes, you should follow up with “How is that prior experience going to help you in representing me?”

You can’t expect them to have your entire case figured out from an initial conversation, but a knowledgeable lawyer can have a good idea about the personal injury timeline and how it can vary from case to case. So, while they might not have a detailed plan, they should be able to explain the general process they plan to follow with your case.

You can also ask them whether or not they think you can win. It’s important to remain honest during these conversations, and their confidence in your case is important to know from the very beginning.

Negotiation Skills

Insurance companies are infamously hard to work with. They have a lot of tactics they might use to convince injury accident victims that their claim isn’t worth as much as they might think. In some cases, they might even offer an unreasonably low settlement, but that’s where a lawyer can help.

They’ll be able to handle the negotiation process for you, so all you have to focus on is healing and recovering. In many cases, this representation can actually lead to larger settlements and a much greater outcome for you.

Avoid Troublesome Mistakes

After your accident, you might be contacted by an insurance adjuster claiming that the at-fault party’s insurer needs to get your side of the story. If you decide to go through with making a recorded statement, the insurance company can then use that against you later down the line. They might also do the same for releasing your medical records.

It can seem like all they want to do is help, but in reality, they’re attempting to build their case against you. With the help of a personal injury attorney, you’ll have guidance on the things you should and shouldn’t sign, and you’ll also have someone who can take over for you if it’s necessary.

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Alternative Solutions

Along with mistakes, a personal injury lawyer can also help you come up with alternative solutions should they prove necessary. Some adjusters are simply stubborn, even if you do everything right, but a persuasive lawyer will be able to come up with alternative methods of dispute resolution when it’s necessary.

That can mean handling arbitration, mediation, and even your trial.

Your attorney is also likely to know other lawyers in the area that can help with your case. If it’s necessary, a seasoned lawyer can call upon their colleagues to brainstorm when you need it the most. Working with lawyers that specialize in different areas can mean a much better settlement result at the end of your trial, and a much better result for you and everyone involved.

Have Someone Else Deal With Insurance

If you’re not represented by an attorney, you’ll likely have to wait until you’re recovered enough to represent yourself. When it comes to personal injury cases, the span of a few weeks can make a huge difference in your overall case. Hiring a personal injury lawyer can help move your entire case along, meaning you won’t have to worry about missing deadlines or filing your paperwork.

Your lawyer will also be able to prevent setbacks from happening along the way, meaning you’ll have the results of your settlement a lot faster than you otherwise might have.

Accessing Medical Care

A lawyer can help you find the right medical treatment after an accident. In some scenarios, doctors refuse to treat injury accident victims due to the confusing nature of both billing insurance companies and a fear of potential litigation.

There are actually clinics that specialize in treating accident injuries, and you’ll be able to find someone who can properly treat you and all of your injuries.

Your Personal Injury Lawyer Can Provide Peace of Mind

At the end of the day, the biggest benefit you gain from hiring a personal injury lawyer is peace of mind. You’ll have someone on your side every step of the way, and you can remain confident in getting the best outcome for your case. Instead of relying on the “advice” of your friends and family, you can rely on the advice of a professional.

That’s where we come in Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

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