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What Are the Most Common Types of Personal Injury Cases in Boston?

Boston Personal Injury Attorney

There are all sorts of personal injury cases. They range from a slip and fall case to a motor vehicle accident. One of the most common types of cases a Boston personal injury attorney sees involves a car accident.

This shouldn’t come as any surprise. Some of the other common types of cases include the following:

  • Dog bites
  • Slip and fall
  • Premises liability cases
  • Medical malpractice
  • Dangerous drugs
  • Product liability

Regardless of the type of case, your Boston personal injury lawyer will fight to get you the money you deserve. That is, after all, the reason you hired them in the first place. In order to do so, they will need to prove two things. First, they need to prove that the other party was at fault. Second, they need to prove that you actually suffered an injury.

Almost All Personal Injury Cases Involve Negligence

No matter what kind of case you’re dealing with, your Boston personal injury attorney will need to prove negligence. This requires that they demonstrate the following four (4) things:

  1. The defendant owed you a duty of care – This isn’t that hard to prove. In almost every situation, human beings owe other people a certain duty of care. Depending on the type of case, this could range from following the traffic laws to making sure the floors in a store are clean and safe.
  2. They breached this duty – This is the hardest part of your lawsuit. Your lawyer is going to need to show that the defendant did something that an ordinary person wouldn’t have done.
  3. You were injured – As long as you went to the hospital after your accident, this shouldn’t be difficult to prove. Your medical records will prove whatever injuries you’re claiming you suffered.
  4. Your injuries were caused by the defendant’s breach – It is rare that a defendant can prove that something other than their breach caused your injuries. They would have to demonstrate that some intervening act caused your injuries.

If your Boston personal injury lawyer can prove all four elements of negligence, there is a good chance that you’ll receive the compensation you deserve.

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Your Boston Personal Injury Attorney Must Still Prove Your Damages

Some people think that, just because they were involved in an accident, they’re automatically entitled to damages. This isn’t the case. You have to forget everything you’ve seen on television or social media. The truth is that very few people walk away with millions of dollars. Your attorney’s job isn’t to make you rich. It’s their job to make you whole. The goal is to make sure you aren’t left holding the bag if you didn’t cause the accident. If the other party was at fault, they need to be held responsible.

In order to get any compensation, you need to prove that you were injured. You also need to demonstrate that your injuries were directly caused by the defendant’s behavior. Some of the damages that you may be entitled to include the following:

  1. Medical bills
  2. Future medical bills
  3. Lost wages
  4. Lost income
  5. Permanent disability
  6. Property damage in a motor vehicle accident
  7. Pain and suffering

Every case is special. There’s no way to know what sort of compensation you’re entitled to until your attorney has thoroughly reviewed your case.

Schedule Your Free Consultation with a Skilled Personal Injury Lawyer in Boston Today

It doesn’t matter what type of personal injury you suffer; there’s a good chance an experienced Boston personal injury attorney can help. They can sit down with you and go over every aspect of your case. If they think you have a valid claim, they may offer to represent you. If you don’t have a valid claim, they’ll let you know. They aren’t going to want to waste anybody’s time.

Once they establish that you have a solid case, they can start to answer any questions you may have. They’ll likely have a few questions of their own as well. Take the time you spend with your attorney seriously. Bring as much information as you can to your first meeting. This will give your lawyer a chance to truly evaluate your case. This will also help them figure out how best to proceed with your claim.

All you have to do is call today and talk to a seasoned personal injury lawyer in Boston. The consultation is free, and you don’t have to pay a dime until your case is settled or resolved at trial.

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In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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