Can I Sue After an Uber Accident?

March 28, 2023

Ridesharing has become a popular service in all cities because there is always a demand for rides. As a result, in 2021, 39.7 million people hired a ridesharing business in Massachusetts. 

Ridesharing is more affordable than a taxi. However, you take risks whenever getting inside a vehicle. After all, accidents can happen to anyone, including Uber drivers.

Were you involved in an Uber accident? If so, you might wonder if you can sue afterward. 

Continue reading this guide to learn the answer. 

Injuries or Damages From the Accident 

One vital element of a personal injury lawsuit is injuries or damages. For example, did you seek medical help after the accident? If not, proving injuries will be challenging.

A common car accident injury is whiplash. However, car accidents can also cause extreme injuries and death. 

Damages from a car accident differ from injuries but are also vital to personal injury cases. An example of damages is lost wages due to not being able to go to work after the accident. 

Injuries and damages are vital for all car accidents, including Uber accidents.

Driver’s Status at the Time

You can have a rideshare accident if you’re the passenger of an Uber driver. You can also have an Uber accident if an Uber driver collides with your car.

However, determining if you can sue Uber for the accident depends on the driver’s status at the time. Was the driver on or off the Uber clock when it happened?

Car accidents occur for a number of reasons, but you can’t sue Uber if the driver wasn’t on the clock when the accident happened. 

Who You Sue Depends on the Situation

You can sue Uber if the driver was on the clock. However, other factors affect who you sue. Of course, talking to a car accident lawyer is the best way to determine how to proceed.

The lawyer might recommend suing the individual instead of Uber. This is a good choice if the driver was off the clock at the time and was responsible for causing the collision.

The lawyer might also recommend suing Uber if the driver was on the clock. Uber has insurance for accidents. These policies cover injuries to passengers and people in other vehicles. 

What to Avoid After an Uber Accident

When you have a rideshare accident, talking to a car accident lawyer is always crucial. Additionally, you should avoid signing any documents Uber gives you afterward.

One additional thing to avoid is ignoring your injuries. Seeking medical help after the accident is vital for documenting your injuries. This documentation will help you settle your case for the highest value possible. 

Contact a Lawyer for Advice

Accidents happen, but you might be entitled to compensation if you were involved in an Uber accident.

Of course, it depends on the circumstances described here. You should always seek legal advice after an accident to learn your options. 

Contact our law firm at 1-800-LAW-GUYS if you have questions about a recent accident in Boston. We can help and offer free consultations. 

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Michael D. Kelly has a diverse background that provides a breadth of legal knowledge that he draws upon in serving his clients. Kelly compiled an excellent academic record during his three years at New England Law in Boston.