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Concussion After a Car Accident: How to Defend Your Rights and Get a Fair Settlement

Gary Gutierrez
young man with his head in his hands sitting next to a bested out car windshield

A car crash is a life-threatening experience that can turn your life upside down in an instant. As many as one in five injured victims end up with car crash concussions, and most of them can barely recognize this dangerous trauma.

Although out of all physical injuries related to head trauma, concussions are classified as mild traumatic brain injuries, they can be exceptionally harmful and have a lasting impact on your life. In all the fuss after an accident, especially if you seem visibly unharmed, even trained medical professionals may overlook the injury.

That is why it is imperative to know how to recognize a concussion before it does any lasting damage to your health. Today, we’ll discuss the primary concussion symptoms and signs, along with the necessary legal actions you should take to secure suitable compensation for your personal injury.

What Is a Concussion After a Car Accident?

Medically speaking, a concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury sustained due to a serious impact on the head. No matter the force of an auto accident, your brain can sustain a fair share of shaking, which sends it ‘moving’ in your skull. Various hits, strikes, blows, and shakes result in potential tearing and bruising of the brain tissue.

There are three major grades of concussion:

  • Grade 1: You don’t lose consciousness but may suffer from short-term amnesia (less than 30 minutes).
  • Grade 2: You may lose consciousness and have temporary amnesia lasting from 30 minutes to 24 hours.
  • Grade 3: You lose consciousness for more than five minutes and potentially have a long-lasting amnesia.

Common Causes of Concussions in Car Accidents

Hitting your head on something hard like a steering wheel or a window may provoke concussion injuries. However, you don’t have to necessarily strike your head in a car accident to sustain an injury. Other causes can trigger concussions, too.

  1. A sudden twist of the head in a car accident will force your brain to move abruptly and hit the sides of the skull.
  2. Airbag deployment produces enough force to shake your head so that you can end up with a mild traumatic brain injury.
  3. Bringing the car to a halt abruptly, especially while speeding, can result in a concussion after a car incident, too.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of a Concussion After a Car Accident?

To determine if you’ve suffered a concussion after a car crash, it is vital to pay attention to common warning signs. There are a few typical concussion symptoms and signs:

  1. Physical symptoms: Feeling fatigued, groggy, or dizzy are the primary symptoms showing that your head injury is most likely a concussion. A persisting headache, repeated vomiting, blurry vision, or slurred speech will also signify a severe head injury and require immediate medical attention. Heading for an emergency room would be a wise decision in this case.
  2. Emotional symptoms: Uncontrolled anger outbursts, sadness, anxiety, and irritability can also signal a concussion after a car accident.
  3. Other symptoms: Unusual sleep disturbances such as sleeping in or having trouble falling asleep, and untypical sleep patterns sometimes indicate serious head injury.

Keep in mind that some people don’t experience immediate symptoms of a concussion after a car accident. In some cases, it takes time for the signs of such head injuries to manifest due to the adrenaline and overall protective state that your body goes into after a traumatic event. In addition, victims can develop post-concussion syndrome that lasts longer and requires ongoing symptomatic treatment.

What to Do If You Have Concussion Symptoms?

What to do after a car accident if you fear that you may have a concussion? There are a few simple steps you can take to ensure that your traumatic brain injury does not have a serious toll on your health.

  • Seek medical attention

    One of the most obvious things to do after you’ve been in a car accident, even if you don’t show physical signs of trauma, is to let medical professionals check you up. The doctors will provide proper instructions and suggest a suitable medical treatment to deal with your condition so that it does not get worse.

  • Take a day off

    Even if you suffer from a mild concussion after a car accident, it is advised to rest well and avoid any strenuous physical activity. Take a break and postpone any physically or mentally demanding tasks to fully recover.

  • Observe your symptoms

    A medical expert will list a number of symptoms that may indicate the worsening of the situation. Watch closely for any signs of those and seek immediate medical attention should you notice any.

  • Return to your lifestyle slowly

    As you are getting better, you should gradually incorporate your daily activities back into your life. Don’t try to push the boundaries if you start to feel unwell again.

  • Inform your close ones

    Let your friends and family know about your condition, no matter how insignificant you think the concussion is.

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Who Is Responsible for Your Car Accident Head Injury?

While you are taking care of your recovery process, it is also essential to determine a responsible party who caused the incident so that you can access fair compensation that covers your losses. In the majority of car accidents, it is the at-fault driver who was either inattentive, speeding, or driving under the influence, and their actions led to the collision.

However, in some instances, multiple parties can be liable, including the victim. It would be a wise idea to obtain a police report to confirm the events officially. Our lawyers will also conduct a thorough investigation to determine all parties at fault.

Can You Sue for a Car Crash Concussion?

Simply speaking — yes, you can. However, you must have legal grounds to proceed with the claim. Working with a dedicated team of car accident attorneys, like Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers, would simplify the process for you and help you focus on the recovery while our legal team handles the case.

Our recent settlements prove our expertise and dedication to helping car accident injury victims. Together, we will seek fair compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, emotional distress, pain, and suffering!

How to Start a Claim If You Sustain a Concussion After a Car Accident?

The first thing to do after the accident is to ensure that your health and well-being aren’t at risk. After that, you may want to do the following:

  1. Contact a legal representative: A personal injury lawyer will take over all the challenges of the legal process, ensuring that your rights are defended and you receive the settlement that you deserve.
  2. Document everything: You should try to document all details about your car accident injury so that your lawyer can build a solid case that results in suitable compensation. You can take photos, record witness statements, and request access to surveillance footage to support your claim.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help with My Claim?

Professional lawyers know all the ins and outs of the personal injury laws in the state and can also provide additional services that take the burden off your shoulders and let you concentrate on a successful recovery. Here’s what Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers can do for you:

  • Insurance company negotiations: Once the legal team takes over the claim, they will fight for the fair reimbursement that all car accident victims are due. We’ll handle negotiations with your own insurance company as well as the insurers of other parties, if necessary.
  • Obtaining evidence: Reliable evidence is crucial for the case’s success. Our trained professionals will gain and preserve all available proof to solidify and win your car accident claim.
  • Calculating damages: A seasoned attorney will assist you in calculating precise damages, including but not limited to past and future medical bills, physical therapy, emotional toll, property damages, loss of income, and so on.
  • Meeting deadlines: Every personal injury claim has a statute of limitations. Filing a claim too late will compromise the success of the case. A trusted legal expert will make sure that you remain within acceptable deadlines.
  • Going to trial: Should the initial insurance claim fail and the liable party refuses to compensate for your concussion injury, our attorneys will go to trial with you, ensuring that justice is served.

Get the Help of a Professional Car Accident Attorney Now!

You shouldn’t suffer the financial consequences of a serious head injury after a car accident that was caused by someone else. Contact our team and let us fight for just compensation while you focus on your safe and effective recovery!

Have you suffered a concussion in a different type of accident? Whether you need a truck, bicycle, pedestrian, or motorcycle accident lawyer, our team can help you!

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