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Finding the Right Back Injury Lawyer for Your Case

back injury lawyer

Civil law refers to legal cases where criminal, military, or religious matters are not at play. Instead, civil lawsuits arise from disputes between two or more private parties.

Here’s an example. A back injury obtained in an accident that was someone else’s fall falls under tort law. And torts are types of civil laws.

You don’t want to hire a criminal attorney when searching for the right back injury lawyer for your case. These professionals don’t know the rules and precedents for cases like yours.

So, what should you look for in a back injury attorney? We’re giving you our top tips in this guide, so keep reading to learn more.

They Specialize in Tort Law

Most lawyers specialize in a particular type of law. For example, some civil attorneys have expertise in torts. Tort law encompasses intentional acts that cause harm to someone else, acts of negligence, and strict liability claims.

A back injury can fall under any of these categories. For example, say you obtained the injury in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence. In this case, it would fall under the second category.

If someone assaulted you and caused your injury, that’s an intentional tort. Meanwhile, getting injured by a defective product or dangerous activity is a liability tort.

They Have Experience With Claims Like Yours

Once you find a civil lawyer specializing in torts, you aren’t done yet. Ensure your chosen lawyer has experience with back injuries. Most likely, that means you’ll need a personal injury lawyer, but it depends on the cause.

Finding a lawyer with experience working on cases like yours is essential for a few reasons. Secondly, they need to understand the medical complexities of back injury cases. Finally, they need to know which damages you’re eligible for.

Damages are the remedies personal injury victims are entitled to. When damages are in play, the defendant’s insurer (or the defendant himself) must compensate the victim financially.

They Offer Free Consultations

Good personal injury attorneys offer free consultations. Free consultations allow back injury victims to consider their options before deciding on a single attorney.

Additionally, free consultations give you the opportunity to ask questions. It’s the time to learn about the attorney’s experience and track record with cases like yours.

But don’t confuse a free consultation with free legal guidance. Most lawyers use free consultations to listen to your case and decide if they want to represent you, not give you legal advice.

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They Work for Contingency Fees

Legal representation is expensive. And unless you want subpar representation, there is no way to get around this. But the good news is that many personal injury lawyers work for contingency fees.

As the name suggests, contingency fees are contingent on the outcome of your case. That means you will pay your lawyer out of the compensation you receive.

It also means your lawyer doesn’t get paid if you don’t win. That is an excellent incentive for your attorney to fight hard for the compensation you deserve.

Schedule a Consultation With a Boston Back Injury Lawyer

The best back injury lawyer for your case specializes in civil tort claims like yours. Additionally, your chosen lawyer should offer free consultations and accept contingency fees to keep your costs down.

Did you recently obtain a back injury in an accident that was someone else’s fault? Schedule a free consultation with Michael Kelly in Boston to find out if you have a personal injury case on your hands.

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