When to Hire a Brain and Spine Injury Attorney in Boston

July 28, 2023

A brain or spine injury can occur when you least expect it and change your life forever. These injuries can be devastating and interfere with your ability to work and live a normal life.

Brain and spine injuries can result in astronomical medical bills. And these bills can last a lifetime if ongoing care is needed.

If you suffered a devastating injury due to someone else’s negligence, you have rights. You may be entitled to substantial compensation for your injuries.

Do you need a brain and spine injury attorney in Boston? We can help!

Here are some benefits of contacting a personal injury lawyer.

Build a Strong Case

Brain and spine injury cases can be complicated. These medical issues are complex, and you need an injury attorney who can investigate and litigate effectively.

It’s your injury lawyer’s job to prove that the other party failed to act reasonably and your injuries are the result. To prove your case, your injury lawyer must gather evidence showing a link between your injury and the defendant’s behavior.

Gathering substantial and indisputable evidence is a crucial part of proving the cause of your brain or spine injury. If you or a loved one has sustained a serious injury due to the negligence of another, consult a Boston injury lawyer as soon as possible.

Negotiate Aggressively

Look for injury attorneys who are skilled negotiators. Your attorney should be willing to fight to get the compensation you deserve. 

Many injury victims require ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and in-home care. Some accident victims need adaptive devices and equipment to help them engage in ordinary activities. 

It’s tempting to take the first settlement offer from the insurance company. Before you do, be sure to consult an experienced injury lawyer first.

Seek Lifetime Compensation

Traumatic brain injuries often cause permanent brain damage. Serious spinal injuries can lead to mobility problems or paralysis. 

Although some accident victims can fully recover from their injuries, others aren’t as lucky and may require ongoing care and assistance. Personal injury lawyers can evaluate the spectrum of care you’ll need to live with your injuries.

If your injury is long-term, you want an injury lawyer who will fight aggressively for the compensation you deserve.

Get the Best Brain and Spine Injury Attorney

Traumatic brain and spinal injuries are complicated and can change your life forever. Many doctors do not know the latest research or techniques for dealing with these injuries.

Doctors don’t always agree on how to treat patients with these injuries. A caring personal injury lawyer can help ensure you see the right doctor and get the proper treatment for your specific injuries.

At Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers, we understand how devastating a serious accident can be. You don’t have to handle your personal injury claim on your own.

Contact a Boston brain and spine injury attorney today to discuss your case. 

How can we help?

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I would highly recommend Michael Kelly to anyone who is seeking a knowledgeable, experienced, and dedicated lawyer.

Frensis P.

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Michael D. Kelly has a diverse background that provides a breadth of legal knowledge that he draws upon in serving his clients. Kelly compiled an excellent academic record during his three years at New England Law in Boston.