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How to File a Car Accident Claim

car accident claim

Massachusetts roads aren’t getting any safer. More than 2,300 Massachusetts residents sustained serious injuries from car accidents in 2020 alone. That’s roughly one injury every four hours. 

Even a low-speed accident can give you a brain injury or a broken bone. Yet it doesn’t have to take weeks for you to get the money you need to recover. You can file a car accident claim soon after your accident. 

But what documents do you need to prove your claim? Should you speak to a lawyer? How can you get money for chronic pain and ongoing expenses?

Answer these questions and you can file a perfect insurance claim in no time. Here is your quick guide.

Get Your Doctor to Evaluate You

You need medical documents in order to file a claim. As soon as the accident occurs, you need to call your doctor and schedule an appointment so they can evaluate you. You can also ask a paramedic or first responder to check you out. 

Document all injuries, even apparently minor ones like bruises. You can claim money for any car accident injury, and minor injuries can get worse. 

You should also get a police report. Many insurance companies ask for a police report number, and your claim may get denied automatically if you don’t have one.

Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

Many people rush the filing process and try to file an insurance claim right away. Though you should move quickly, you should get help from a lawyer before you contact your insurance company.

A lawyer can advise you of your rights and help you fill out all of your paperwork. If an insurance adjuster contacts you, you can ask your lawyer to speak to them. If you speak to them by yourself, you may say something that weakens your insurance claim. 

Look over your policy with your lawyer’s help. Take a look at what is covered and what your deductibles are like. 

Filing a car accident lawsuit is different than filing an insurance claim. Try to find an attorney who is experienced in working with insurance companies if you want to focus on getting compensation from your insurer. If you want to pursue a lawsuit, you can keep your lawyer or hire a different professional.

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Track All Expenses

You can get money if you need occupational, physical, or psychological therapy after your accident. The key is to keep documents that describe your expenses and ongoing treatment.

The best documents are official ones with clear dollar figures, like doctor’s bills. But you can also use a spreadsheet you create as part of your claim. Send the most recent figures to your insurance company so they know what all of your expenses are like.

File the Right Car Accident Claim

A car accident claim does not have to be tricky. Soon after your accident, you should get evaluated by your doctor. Document all of your injuries with extensive medical paperwork.

Bring your paperwork to a lawyer, then ask your lawyer to contact your adjuster. They can prepare your claim for you and help you send documents to your insurance company. Keep your lawyer and insurer up to date with all of your expenses.

The sooner you file, the sooner you can recover. Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers serves Boston residents. Contact us today.

30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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