3 Steps to Take Following a Parking Lot Accident in Stoneham

June 14, 2023

Parking lot accidents occur more frequently than many people realize, with approximately 50,000 happening each year in the United States, constituting roughly 20% of all accidents.

Despite their frequency, knowing what steps to take after such an incident can be challenging. Fortunately, we’re here to guide you through the process, and explain how a Stoneham car accident lawyer can help.

Here are the crucial actions to take following a parking lot collision:

1. Stay at the Scene and Preserve Evidence

The paramount rule is never to leave the accident scene. Likewise, refrain from moving your vehicle. Leaving the scene can jeopardize your chances of receiving compensation for damages. By staying put, you increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Next, gather as much information as possible. Take photos of the scene, noting any damages. Speak with witnesses and exchange contact details with other involved parties. This comprehensive collection of information forms the backbone of your claim and strengthens your case for compensation.

2. File a Police Report

After gathering information, file a police report. It’s crucial to have the accident documented, particularly if significant damage or injuries are involved. The police will conduct their investigation, supplementing the evidence you’ve gathered. Remember not to assign blame; leave that to the authorities.

3. Consider Hiring a Stoneham Car Accident Lawyer

Lastly, consider enlisting the services of a Stoneham car accident lawyer. A competent attorney can alleviate much of the stress associated with navigating the aftermath of an accident. They will review your evidence, assess your eligibility to file a claim, and guide you through the process. Additionally, they’ll negotiate with the other party on your behalf to ensure you receive fair compensation.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Stoneham Car Accident Lawyer

If you’re considering legal representation, look no further than Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers. Whether you seek further clarification or wish to schedule a complimentary consultation, fill out our contact form, and we’ll promptly assist you.

Don’t delay—secure the assistance you deserve today!

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Michael D. Kelly has a diverse background that provides a breadth of legal knowledge that he draws upon in serving his clients. Kelly compiled an excellent academic record during his three years at New England Law in Boston.