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How to Stay Safe on Your Summer Vacation

flip flops with sunglasses and a beach ball on the sand

With the weather getting warmer and summer nearly here, many Massachusetts families are starting to plan their summer vacations and road trips. While choosing a destination where you can relax and enjoy a break from school or work is essential, so is planning for safety. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind. Attention to these travel safety tips can reduce the risk of unexpected accidents or emergencies while you are traveling this summer.

Perform Maintenance On Your Vehicle

If you will be traveling by car this summer, one of the most important things that you can do is to perform some basic maintenance on your vehicle before you hit the highway on vacation. It’s worthwhile to take your car to a garage and have a mechanic change the oil, top off the fluids and check that the tires are properly inflated and not in need to replacement. Being sure that everything is in good working order in advance of a road trip can reduce your risk of a roadside breakdown while vacationing, or worse – an accident.

What to Include in a Car Emergency Kit

You should also pack a vehicle emergency kit. This can come in handy in the event that an unforeseen event or emergency does occur. Things that you should include in your car emergency kit include:

  • A couple of blankets, which can be used to provide warmth if stuck somewhere overnight;
  • Flashlights, which are useful for changing a tire at night and signaling for help;
  • Extra flashlight batteries;
  • A small first aid kit including bandages, antiseptic wipes, and a first aid manual;
  • Water – enough for two days per person in your vehicle;
  • Non-perishable snacks such as protein or granola bars;
  • A backup cellphone or cellphone battery;
  • Basic tools and tire repair kit, including a wrench, tire jack, and spare tire;
  • An empty gas can.

Take Only the Essentials, Financially Speaking

For your financial safety, take only what you need in terms of credit cards, cash, jewelry, and other expensive items when traveling. The more cash that you carry, the more that you are at-risk of losing in the event that you lose your wallet or purse or are robbed. It is a good idea to take at least two different credit cards if you have them, in case a problem arises with one credit card. Make copies of your credit card numbers and keep them in a separate place from your credit cards. Have available the contact phone numbers for your credit card companies in case your credit card gets lost or stolen. You should also carry a backup copy of your health insurance card in case your wallet is lost or stolen. If you are in an accident, you will need to provide information about your health insurance.

If you will be traveling abroad this summer, be smart by carrying all of your documents, like cash, ID, and your passport, in a concealed bag that zips closed. When staying in hotels, make sure you lock the doors, and store your valuables in a safe. Before letting anyone into your room, be sure you know who it is first.

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Sign Your Kids Up for Swimming Lessons

Many families head to Cape Cod or other coastal areas for the summer months. While swimming and playing in the ocean is fun, the ocean can be very dangerous, particularly for an untrained swimmer. If your kids have not taken swimming lessons, do not wait any longer to sign them up and ensure that they know the basics. Even if your kids know how to swim, make sure that they are wearing life jackets if you are boating. If a child falls overboard or an accident knocks a child unconscious in the water, a life jacket can keep the child afloat until rescuers arrive.

Remember Sun Protection

Remember Sun ProtectionProtect your health and the health of your children by remembering that too much sun can lead to dehydration and sunburn. Drink plenty of water at all times to stay well hydrated. Wear sunscreen to prevent sun burn. Use light weight long-sleeved clothing to protect your skin and wear a hat to keep the rays off of your face. Be sure to wear sunglasses that will protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. If you feel light headed, hot, dizzy, or nauseous, get out of the sun immediately.

Practice Safe Driving

If your summer trip involves driving, focus on being a safe driver and remaining alert for changing traffic conditions. Safe driving means never driving while you are fatigued, never driving while you are intoxicated or alcohol impaired, and never using a cellphone or other handheld communication device while behind the wheel.

Using a cell phone or other electronic device while driving can lead to a distracted driving accident.

Contact a Boston Accident Attorney

Despite your best efforts to protect you and your loved ones while traveling, the carelessness of another motorist may lead to an accident. If you are the victim of an accident while on vacation – be it a car accident, premises liability accident, or another type of accident, the attorneys at Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers are available for a free consultation.  After we review the specifics of your accident, we will give you our opinion on whether we believe you have a claim. If you do, we will work hard on your behalf to prove negligence, hold the at-fault party liable, and recover the full compensation that you deserve. To learn more, contact our offices today to schedule a free case consultation. You can also request your free case consultation by filling out our online form.

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