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Boston Social Security Disability Lawyer

Reap your social security disability benefits together with an experienced legal expert by your side! Our social security disability lawyers know how to defend your rights and claim what's yours!

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Meet Our Social Security Disability Lawyer Team?

We are a personal injury law firm that knows how unfair the system is at times. Our company has helped many people across the state to file and secure fair settlements due to them. Each Social Security disability lawyer on the team is fierce and dedicated to the cause, with zero tolerance for unfair settlements and case denials.

Social Security Administration (SSA) processes and requirements are nothing but a web of legal intricacies and traps, and we are ready to take you through it with the most favorable outcome waiting at the end. Our proven track record and recent settlements speak louder than words. All it takes is a free consultation to become another satisfied client!

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The Notion of Social Security Disability Explained

Most people have a vague understanding of what Social Security disability benefits are because of the intricacies of Social Security Administration laws. Two programs subject to SSA:

  1. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  2. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

While both programs are federally funded, the first one is aimed at assisting people in need. Those who have low incomes, seniors with disabilities, and children with disabilities may apply for the program.

SSDI benefits are tax-funded types of financial aid that people who can no longer work due to a certain kind of disability or medical condition can claim. As you’ve been contributing to the Social Security trust fund, you can expect it to pay back when needed.

However, any Boston Social Security disability lawyer would tell you that claiming those benefits can be challenging. It takes sufficient work credits, verified health conditions, a valid application, and a documented diagnosis to initiate the claim. In some cases, those claims are denied, and only a professional legal representative can help appeal and settle them.

Once you get your claim approved, you will be provided with monthly payments that cover your living and medical expenses, at least partially.

Meet our team!

Principal Attorney
Michael D. Kelly
Chief Operating Officer
Tim Paoli
Director of Client Settlements
Cristopher Collins
Senior Pre-Litigation Attorney
Michael W Kelly
Senior PIP Attorney
Robert Kimball
Trial Attorney
John McCarthy
Trial Attorney
Cole Owen
Manager of Client Settlement
Luke Sotcker
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Who Is Eligible for Boston Social Security Disability?

Before you initiate a Social Security disability claim, you must be fully aware that you qualify for financial support. There are a few eligibility requirements to meet in the first place:

  • You have been recently employed and paid Social Security taxes rightfully
  • You are aged between 24 and 65 (people younger than 24 may not possess sufficient work credits for the initial application)
  • You’ve earned the required minimum of work credits to start the application process.
  • You’ve acquired reliable medical evidence and related documentation that proves your condition.

Claiming Social Security disability insurance is a lengthy and complicated task, so it may be a good idea to contact your lawyer to have a clear understanding of where you are standing with your disability plea.

How Does SSA Determine Social Security Disability?

Every disability claim is unique and personally evaluated by the SSA. While countless rules apply to the favorable determination, a medical condition that prevents you from doing your work over an extended period is deemed a disability.

There are a few categories of impairments that most likely qualify for Social Security disability insurance:

  1. Physical disabilities: Various musculoskeletal issues such as degenerative disc disease, arthritis, and severe back pain qualify for the claim. The same goes for such cardiovascular conditions as coronary artery disease or heart failure.
  2. Mental disabilities: Mental conditions are more challenging to claim, but the SSA considers disabilities based on severe depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, along with repressed intellectual potential.
  3. Sensory disabilities: Blindness, loss of hearing, and speech disorders.

This isn’t a complete list of conditions that qualify for favorable disability determination since every disability claim is different. Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers will point you in the right direction based on the severity of your condition, your individual ability to perform various work activities and the overall impact of the disability on your everyday health.

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What Does Social Security Disability Insurance Cover?

The main aim of disability benefits is to provide financial stability for people who can no longer work and support their families due to a long-term or permanent disability. There are a few main categories of financial needs that SSDI covers:

  • Monthly benefits: After becoming disabled and receiving Social Security financial aid, you will be entitled to a set monthly income that should at least partially cover your living expenses, including rent, utilities, groceries, etc. The amount of help that you receive depends on your registered income before the disability.
  • Medical coverage: Another aspect that disability usually pays for is the medical expenses related to your condition. Whether these are prescriptions, hospital stays, or doctor visits – Social Security disability insurance should cover those.
  • Dependent’s benefits: Sometimes, your health condition has a direct impact on your family members. If you’ve been the family’s sole supporter, additional financial support must be issued.

How to Apply for Boston Social Security Disability Coverage?

There are a few steps you should take to ensure that you attain those disability benefits you are entitled to.

  • Start with eligibility

    To initiate the application process, you must be sure that you are eligible for the coverage.

  • Gather documents

    The SSA requires a fair share of documents to consider your claim. These include but are not limited to your birth certificate, social security number, medical records, tax returns, etc.

  • Fill out the application

    You can fill out an online form, do it over the phone, or visit your Boston area office to apply for social security disability coverage.

  • Provide medical evidence

    The local Disability Determination Service (DDS) will want to have a closer look into your medical history, diagnosis, treatments, and other medical documents to define your eligibility.

  • Check the status

    After you’ve filed your disability claim, you may want to check on its progress to determine if it’s been approved or denied.

  • Legal representation

    Considering the complexities of the Social Security system, it is a good idea to hire a trained social security disability attorney to take you through the process. Our team of lawyers has a proven track record of settled disability claims, so you can rest assured that we won’t back off until your case is fully satisfied.

Why Are Social Security Disability Claims Denied?

If your claim is initially denied, you shouldn’t consider the case closed; a professional social security disability lawyer can assist you in turning the tables. There are a few major reasons why disabled workers get denied by the SSA:

  • Unreliable medical proof: If you don’t present strong medical evidence of your disability, the administration will most likely deny your claim. The evidence must be convincing enough to convince the SSA that you can’t continue to work to support yourself and anyone dependent on you.
  • Multiple denials: Once your initial claim gets denied, people without a trained legal team by their sides rush to fill out another application instead of an appeal. A denied case without an appeal almost automatically leads to consequent denial.
  • High income: You already know that SSI benefits are reserved for people with low income. However, SSDI benefits have an income limit as well. If you continue to work, even part-time, and your earnings exceed Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) limits, the chances are that you will be denied federal government financial assistance.
  • Incorrect application: Whether you’ve missed out on some required documents or provided incorrect information, your claim will be denied.
  • Cooperation failure: In some cases, the SSA may request additional details to support your case. If you ignore those requests, it will be considered an evident failure to cooperate, and your claim will be denied.

How to Appeal a Denied Boston Social Security Disability Claim?

All disabled individuals have the right to appeal their denials. While the appeals process is no simpler than the initial application, you can make it through with it. Usually, hiring an expert Social Security disability lawyer is the first thing to do, but there are also other steps to take:

  1. Reconsideration request: Once you receive a denial, you have 60 days to initiate a reconsideration request. The main aim of the request is for another examiner to be assigned to your case to eliminate potential prejudice or human error. You can also provide additional medical information or any other evidence to strengthen the claim.
  2. Hearing request: In the event of another denial, you can take your request to the court and present it to the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). Usually, it takes a skilled legal backup to succeed with the request.
  3. Appeals Council request: When ALJ denies the claim, you can still appeal it in front of the Social Security Appeals Council and have your disability request sent back for more in-depth review.
  4. Federal Court lawsuit: The last chance to get your claim approved after all the previous institution denials is to take it to the Federal Court.

How Can a Social Security Disability Lawyer Assist You?

There are numerous ways trained legal representatives can help you:

  • They can bring together all the necessary paperwork
  • They will obtain all the required evidence, including but not limited to medical proof of your condition
  • They will act on your behalf, carrying out communication with all the official institutes
  • They will make sure that your claim meets all the deadlines
  • They will take care of the appeals process should the claim be denied
  • They will help you settle the fairest disability compensation

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Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers is a group that is totally dedicated to excellence and efficiency. I was very grateful for the regular communication about my case and for the genuine way I was cared for throughout the process. When I called, anyone who answered always directed me to the correct person I needed to talk to, and it never felt like a problem to stay in touch with the folks working on my case. Definitely recommend to anyone with a wrongful injury who wants a tenacious team that will fight for them!

Gwyneth Jones Moreno
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Contact Our Boston Social Security Disability Lawyer Today!

Navigating the Social Security system is an effort-involving and challenging task. Contact Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers for a free consultation, and we’ll set you on the path of a successful disability claim fighting for justice side-by-side!

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