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Cambridge Slip and Fall Lawyer

Our experienced accident lawyers in Cambridge, MA can help get you the slip and fall accident compensation and justice you deserve.

  • 30-day client satisfaction guarantee
  • 24/7 support
  • Personal approach
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If you have ever fallen down and gotten hurt, you know it can take a toll on your daily life. In most cases, the injuries are minor. But in some cases, the injuries in a slip and fall can put a person out of work for months and lead to high medical costs. If your fall was due to a negligent property owner or business failing to keep their property in good repair, or because they failed to warn you of a hidden obstacle or hazard, then you may have a right to be compensated for the injury.

A 30-day client satisfaction guarantee for serious injury cases
Personalized service of a small law firm that seeks big results
Available 24/7 to answer your questions or concerns

At Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers, we fight for injury victims throughout Cambridge, and we want to help you, too. Throughout your case, we will give you the full attention that you deserve and focus on your unique needs and goals. We will also offer your our 30-day, risk-free guarantee. In the unlikely even that you are not satisfied within 30 days after you hire us, we will return your case file to you – with no strings attached and no charge for our services.

Slip And Fall
Slip and Fall
Slip and Fall
Slip and Fall
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To learn more, contact us today by calling or connecting with us online and receive a free consultation about your case.

Rated 5.0 on Google via our 200+ reviews.

Do I Have a Slip and Fall Case?

To have a case against someone for a slip and fall injury in Cambridge or elsewhere in Massachusetts, you must prove that you were injured due to someone else’s negligence. This requires showing that the property owner owed you a specific duty and breached that duty, and that the property owner’s negligence somehow caused you injury. Duties vary depending on your relationship to the property owner.

Slip and Fall Statute of Limitations in Massachusetts

Massachusetts law allows injury victims to file a claim within three years after the date of an injury. If a victim waits longer, the victim can lose the right to compensation. If your loved one dies from slip and fall injuries, you would need to bring a wrongful death claim within three years from the date of the death.

So, don’t put off getting legal help after an injury. Contact us to discuss your case directly with an attorney who will give you full attention, from start to finish.

Get a Free Case Evaluation

Get a Free Case Evaluation

Share the details of your situation with us so we can begin advocating on your behalf. We customize our approach to fit the unique needs of each client.
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How to File a Claim After a Slip and Fall

The first key to filing a claim for a slip and fall injury is to follow these simple steps:

  • Seek emergency medical attention. You should always get medical help. If you are injured so badly that you cannot walk or move, call 911. If you can move and feel comfortable doing so, see your regular doctor or get to a hospital right away. You will need timely diagnosis and treatment of your slip and fall injuries in order to protect your health and your potential claim.
  • Report the injury to the property or business owner. If you are injured at a private residence, let the homeowner or other person in charge know you were hurt. Get the owner’s name and phone number. If your slip and fall occurs at a business, you should report the injury to the owner or the manager on duty. Many stores keep an incident report form for just this purpose. Provide a brief description of what happened and snap a picture with your phone, if available. That way, you will have a copy of the report. If you don’t feel comfortable filling out the report, or if your injuries require emergency attention, get the manager’s business card or contact information and let them know you will call back after you get seen at the hospital.
  • Call us. As soon as your injuries are stabilized, and you are in a position to make a call, reach out to Michael Kelly for a free consultation. If you want to talk by phone, that’s OK. But we can also meet with you to discuss your injuries at your home or in the hospital – whichever location is most convenient for you. In our initial consultation, we can answer basic questions you may have about filling out report forms and how to deal with your medical expenses.
  • Do not talk to insurance company representatives. These are often called adjusters. Their sole job is to figure out how little they can get away with paying you for your injuries. Their goal is to get you to say or do things to hurt your chances of a full recovery. They may try to get you to sign things to waive your rights. Let an attorney deal with them instead.

How Do Slip and Fall Accidents Happen?

The most common causes of slip and fall injuries in Cambridge include:

Standing water
Environmental hazards (ice, slush or snow)
Missing or unsecured steps
Missing or unsecured handrails
Broken or cracked concrete
Sidewalk or parking lot defects
Hidden holes or missing manhole covers
Frayed or loose rugs or carpet

Client Reviews


Highly Recommend Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers. I’ve read numerous positive reviews about Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers, and they consistently stand out for their professionalism, responsiveness, and successful case outcomes. Clients appreciate their efficient onboarding process, compassionate approach, and detailed attention to each case. Michael Kelly and his team have been praised for their dedication, clear communication, and ability to achieve excellent settlement results. Based on the overwhelming positive feedback, I would highly recommend them to anyone in need of a personal injury lawyer.

Johanne Karl Reyes
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Types of Slip and Fall Accidents

Some slip and fall injuries happen in residential areas, while others occur in businesses and commercial locations. Here are some of the more common types of slip and fall cases we handle for our clients in Cambridge and other areas in Massachusetts:

  • Stores and restaurants

    When businesses invite customers to come on their property, they are implicitly agreeing to keep the property safe and free from hazards. When water puddles or other fall hazards are left unattended, it can lead to injuries.

  • Hospitals and nursing homes

    People who are suffering from medical conditions, or those who may be elderly or infirm, face a higher risk of falling. Many people in healthcare settings may also be recovering from other injuries or on medications that affect their balance and steadiness. Fall prevention is a key responsibility for healthcare providers. Too often, they fail to meet this responsibility.

  • Residential homes and properties

    Falls can also happen in a neighbor’s home or on their property. The law requires property owners – even homeowners – to warn their guests of hidden dangers. If someone has a loose stairway or a covered hole in the yard, they have an obligation to make guests aware of this hazard and to take steps to prevent injuries.

  • Sidewalks and public grounds

    Not every fall will be another person’s fault. In many cases, the city or county may be liable for failing to keep public grounds in safe condition. When defects exist in public areas and lead to injuries, victims may be eligible to recover compensation.

  • Parking lots and sidewalks

    Many workplaces and businesses are responsible for their parking lots and sidewalks as well. Injuries caused by defects on these grounds can also lead to liability for property owners.

A skilled Cambridge slip and fall lawyer will guide you through the process of recovering compensation for your injuries – no matter where your slip and fall has occurred.

Get Help from Our Cambridge Slip and Fall Lawyers Today

For help after a slip and fall in Cambridge, Massachusetts, call or reach us online today. We will provide a private and free consultation. We also won’t charge any costs or fees unless we obtain financial compensation for you.

Serving The Following Neighborhoods

  • Cambridge, MA
  • 02138
  • 02139
  • 02140
  • 02141
  • 02142
  • 02163

30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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