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How to File A Boston Personal Injury Claim

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Where to Start

No two personal injury cases are the same. Each involves different victims, different injuries damages, different circumstances, and different types of loss. Questions of severity of injury, clarity of fault, and the existence of an insurance policy set each and every claim apart. As a victim, or a loved one who has suffered injury or loss from an accident, you must decide how you want to proceed. Think of these four questions:

  1. Does insurance cover this injury or injuries?
  2. What is the severity of my injury?
  3. What’s at stake and what do I really want?
  4. Do I need a lawyer?


If you have been injured and think someone else’s negligence caused the accident, you must find out insurance coverage information concerning that person. For example, after a car accident, you need to collect the driver’s insurance information. After a slip and fall, you need to see if the property owner has liability insurance. This helps to determine whether or not you will be able to collect damages for your injury. If the defendant does not have insurance coverage and has very little in assets, it may be difficult to collect on a judgment in the event you are able to secure one.

Example: John sues Sam for personal injuries and Sam does not have insurance or assets. At trial, the jury grants John a verdict of $100,000. Though John’s lawsuit has a $100,000 verdict, it will be very difficult for John to collect that money from Sam, if not impossible.


If your injuries are not that serious, a minimum insurance policy might be able to cover you adequately. However, if you have suffered serious injuries, you will need the other insurance coverage to help with coverage. The nature and severity of your injury will dictate how much coverage will be needed to adequately compensate you. For serious injuries, large insurance policies are almost always necessary, though not always available.

Example: $20,000 in coverage will likely be sufficient for an injured claimant with a sore back and $1,500 in medical bills. $20,000 in coverage will not be even close to enough for an injured claimant with a broken back and $80,000 in medical bills.

Stakes Involved

You need to consider what is at stake for you after your injury. If you are suffering from severe injuries, you might have a lot at stake: your health, finances, and ability to earn money and support your family. You might be looking at a life of medical bills you cannot afford. If this were the case, you would want a professional handling your claim. Aside from what is at stake, you need to think about what you want. Do you just want to be compensated for the medical bills your insurance did not cover, or do you have ongoing costs, pain and suffering, and emotional loss that you need to be compensated for?

A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

It is usually best to at least consult with an attorney. The personal injury and motorcycle accident attorneys at Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers offer a free consultation in order for you to discuss your situation. During the consultation, an accident lawyer will discuss your legal rights and the merits of your claim. Additionally, most lawyers only collect payment for services if there is a settlement or judgment in your favor.

Considering all the questions above, most situations warrant the involvement of an attorney to help evaluate your claim and battle the appropriate parties.

Discuss Your Claim with Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers

If you have any questions concerning filing a claim for personal injury, it is important that you contact at least talk with a lawyer. Our personal injury and truck accident lawyers offer a free consultation where we discuss your potential claim and your various legal options. Our attorneys have experience in managing many personal injury claims and have represented client in a various types of accidents and injuries. Some common types of injury claims are:

Call the Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers at 1-800-LAW-GUYS

If you have suffered an injury from any accident, it is important to consider all of your options. One of those is your legal recourse. The personal injury attorneys at Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers strive to be open and honest with you concerning the likelihood of success of your claim and will work with you throughout the process.

We are available to answer all of your questions and know that the last thing you want after an accident is to be haggled by insurance companies or swamped with medical bills. We will fight for a fair settlement or will bring your claim to court to make sure that you are properly compensated for your injury and losses. For a free consultation and to discuss your claim with one of our injury attorneys call 1-800-LAW-GUYS or fill out the contact us form.

30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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