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Salem MA Personal Injury Lawyer

Our experienced accident lawyers in Salem, MA can help get you the personal injury accident compensation and justice you deserve.

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Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers
88B Lafayette Street, Ste 100
Salem, MA 01970
(978) 584-7677

Motorcycle accident
Car accident
Pedestrain accident
Slip And Fall
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Personal Injury Lawyers in Salem Massachusetts

Salem Personal Injury LawyerHave you or a loved one sustained injuries due to another person’s neglect or carelessness? If so, you have a right to compensation for your injuries. Massachusetts law says that you must file a claim against the entity, company, or person accountable for you to get compensation for the damages, and the circumstances of your situation will determine whether or not to file a claim. Slip and falls and car accidents are some examples of personal injury claims you can pursue compensation for. And while you can handle the claim by yourself, working with an experienced Salem personal injury lawyer can make the process smoother. Michael Kelly will direct you through the process and make sure that you are appropriately compensated for your accident.

The things you can get compensation for include:

Medical expenses
Permanent scarring
Lost income
Physical discomfort
Mental anguish

Many people will be overwhelmed, stressed, and even terrified following an accident. They probably won’t know what they are supposed to do next. First, you should get yourself proper medical treatment, even before you look for legal help and advice. After a healthcare professional has cleared you, you can consider speaking with an attorney to take a look at your accident. You can contact Michael Kelly at any time of the day for a free consultation. You don’t even have to worry about legal fees because our attorneys only get paid when you get compensated.

What Damages Can I Be Compensated For?

You can only be compensated for losses caused by the at-fault party’s negligence. They can be made to pay for the damages if the accident or injuries could have been prevented if the other person was cautious. Monetary compensation is meant to enable you to go back to your usual way of living. The two types of damages you can be compensated for are:

Economic Damages

This form of compensation is meant to reimburse you for subjective losses accrued from the damages or injuries. To get compensation for economic damages, you will have to provide evidence through documents or verifiable means. Paperwork and bills for doctor visits, medical treatments, surgery, medications, hospitalizations, individualized emergency care, and other medical services can be used as verification for this. You can also utilize receipts for repairing damage to your car and other property. If the injuries suffered made it challenging to resume work, or affected how well you would work, you can submit pay stubs and bank records as a means to verify lost wages.

Non-Economic Damages

This part of your personal injury case can be quite difficult to verify. Non-economic damages cover the difficulties you needed to go through because of your injuries. These include things like pain and suffering, permanent scarring, emotional distress, blemishes, physical impairment, loss of quality of life, disability, and loss of consortium, to name a few. Although not easily measurable, a knowledgeable Salem personal injury lawyer will apply a variety of methods and tactics to come up with an amount. An untrained person may have a hard time showing these damages to insurance companies or a judge.

A 30-day client satisfaction guarantee for serious injury cases
Personalized service of a small law firm that seeks big results
Available 24/7 to answer your questions or concerns

How Much Will It Cost to Hire a Salem Personal Injury Lawyer?

Actually, personal injury lawyers in Massachusetts are pretty affordable. The majority of these lawyers work on a contingency basis, meaning they only make money after you win your case. You also have the ability to review and agree on the percentage the attorney will get once the compensation is paid, before signing the agreement. Therefore, you don’t have to be worried about calling a Salem personal injury lawyer, particularly if you’re suffering due to another person’s errors, oversight, or neglect. The majority of attorneys require between 25% and 40% of the settlement amount.

The percent charged also is dependent on just how much time your attorney is required to invest in your claim. Legal costs will be substantially less should you decide to settle with the insurance company, simply because you will not be required to go to court. The fact that the attorney only makes money after the case is won is a good incentive to make sure you get the appropriate compensation you deserve. Your attorney will also make sure that your rights are not violated in any way by the insurance company or their legal team.

Other payment arrangements may possibly be made for individual circumstances. You may be able to choose to pay a flat fee for the service or have the lawyers bill you for each hour they devote to your case. That being said, most people are comfortable with the contingency fee.

How Long Will My Case Take?

No two cases are the same. Each unique circumstance makes it practically impossible to identify the amount of time it will take to arrive at a settlement. With this in mind, all you should be worried about is recovering, as your health determines your overall compensation in the long run. And you don’t want your attorney to jump on the first offer they get, do you? The attorneys at Michael Kelly put your recovery and health before anything else.

Your recovery process determines how small or large your claim will be. In other words, the lawyers working on your case have to work very closely with your doctors, among other medical professionals, to establish a good case. It is after obtaining conclusive medical records and costs that your attorney can start evaluating the information to make a strong case. Your lawyer will utilize official medical records as proof in court to prove your claim. The same details are also put to use to show how the injuries suffered have affected your life and well-being.

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Why Choose a Salem Personal Injury Lawyer from Michael Kelly?

We understand your plight and will work dutifully to round up every piece of information there is to win your case. Our attorneys are fully equipped and skillful in handling both insurance companies and attorneys that might be aiming to sweep your claim under the rug. With us by your side, you can relax and concentrate on recovering as your attorney takes care of the legal side of your claim to make sure you get fair compensation. We treat our clients like family, and like a family, we will:

  • Provide you with the most suitable attorney for your case
  • Utilize tried and true values and principles
  • Review your injuries skillfully and from all angles
  • Only charge you after winning the case

We Handle All Forms of Injury Cases

We at Michael Kelly tackle all kinds of personal injury claims ranging from slip and fall accidents to car crashes. Our team of experienced attorneys will go over your case to see what angle can be taken, and give you an idea of how much your compensation might be. We take on a wide variety of personal injury cases, including:

Auto Accidents

According to research, more than 2 million people are involved in vehicle-related incidents every year, and many suffer serious injuries. Our lawyers will try to establish the cause of the accident to make your case. The most common causes of car accidents are:

Workplace Accidents

Most workplace accidents go unreported. This leaves many employees struggling with the damages and never getting compensation for their injuries. Common workplace accidents include:

Although workers’ comp covers most workplace-related accidents, you may be forced to seek compensation for injuries that are not included. A good example of this is an injury that was caused by equipment failure or malfunction. In this case, you may be able to file a claim against the manufacturer of the faulty equipment.

Workers’ Comp

Your company’s workers’ comp plan comes into play if you get injured while at work. If you feel the claim was valid, you can then contact a Salem workers’ compensation lawyer to help push your claim through.

Truck Accidents

According to the US Claims Litigation Funding, more than 480,000 commercial vehicles (box trucks, busses, semi-trucks, etc.) were involved in traffic wrecks last year. Tractor-trailers weigh more than SUVs and sedans and tend to cause extensive damage when they get into an accident. You will want a trucking accident lawyer in Salem by your side if you get injured in a semi-truck crash. Michael Kelly has what it takes to stand firm against corporate lawyers and truck insurance companies.

Motorcycle Wrecks

Motorcycles are fun to ride, and are not only functional on the road but also more economical than cars. However, with motorcycle accidents accounting for 14% of all traffic fatalities, it’s clear they can be dangerous to ride. With the rider exposed to the road and other elements all the time, the risk of sustaining a major injury is considerably greater than if you were protected by a car. The only thing between you and the road is a helmet.

While a motorcycle can move through the traffic efficiently, claims of careless driving, defective bikes, negligent drivers, and drivers that don’t respect motorcycle riders can cause deadly accidents. If you or a loved one have been injured in a motorcycle accident, you should immediately seek medical attention and then contact a Salem motorcycle accident lawyer.

Bicycle Accidents

Fast cars and careless drivers are some of the immediate dangers that bicyclists face. Most bike accidents occur as a result of drivers not seeing or failing to yield to bicycles. Should you get into a bicycle accident due to a driver’s negligence and experience significant injuries, you may be able to sue for compensation.

Slip or Trip and Fall Accidents

Slip and falls most often happen while on the job, in shopping centers, and in parking lots. Though some of these mishaps may be unavoidable, such as slipping on ice, most cases are a result of negligence. You could slip and fall on a damaged floor that was supposed to be repaired, or a wet floor with no sign to warn people about the danger. Should you suffer injuries in this form of accident, you can file a claim to get compensation for your damages. Contact a slip and fall attorney in Salem to go over your case and submit a claim on your behalf.

E-Scooter Accidents

Electric scooters have taken the market by storm. The number of electric scooter accidents has been growing, with some causing serious injuries and even death.

If you or a loved one have been injured in an electric scooter accident, whether you were using one or got hit by one, you then should seek a legal understanding of your options and rights. It might be a good idea to file a claim for injuries sustained from the accident.

Pedestrian Accidents

Many people would like to believe they are safe strolling through the city streets. Although this may be true, the amount of reported pedestrian accidents is worrying. Anything can happen on the road, such as a speeding car running a red light, a bus driver losing control and going into the sidewalk, and getting struck by a motorcycle or bike. You could even stumble into an unmarked ditch. You might want to get in touch with an injury lawyer should you get injured in a pedestrian accident. A pedestrian accident attorney in Salem will evaluate your options and advise you on the best way forward.

Defective Products

Many individuals have suffered injuries due to defective products, with kids being the most common victims. Even though companies are always working hard to create the safest products possible, one small mistake is all it takes to make a product harmful to the user. This is why many companies put safety warnings on their products. The warning is meant to alert the user of possible risk if the item is not used correctly, and even give instructions on how the item is supposed to be used.

You might be able to sue the product manufacturer for damages if you have been injured due to a faulty product. You will, however, need a skilled product liability attorney working to work on your case. Call us right away for a free consultation.

Client Reviews


James Duphily was a lifesaver for me! Great lawyer. Still remember him to this day! He just buckles down and gets after it!

Elizabeth Mulroy
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Kinds of Personal Injuries

Every one of the accidents discussed in this article can result in a wide variety of injuries. Our lawyers can handle most of these injuries, including:

  1. Back and neck injuries
  2. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and other head injuries
  3. Spine injuries
  4. Facial disfigurement and scarring
  5. Internal injuries
  6. Burn injuries

Aside from the risk of internal injuries, injuries that appear small on the surface might result in long term problems later. An excellent attorney will help ensure that you are fairly compensated for your future injuries, too.

Serious injuries might be somewhat complicated to manage, and it can be even tougher if you have to face powerful lawyers representing the at-fault party. Trying to fight for your legal rights alone while in the hospital or recovering will only make your life miserable. Our team of attorneys has been battling insurance companies for many years and will help you get justice and also compensation for your injuries. Let Michael Kelly take on the stress, so that you can work on recovering.

Whatever your case may be, you need to ensure your legal rights are protected. Having a lawyer can help make sure you aren’t pressed to settle on bad terms.

If you are a victim, you can submit a claim versus the other person. They should be held responsible for damages or injuries you sustained if they are responsible for the damages. However, you may require a skilled lawyer to help establish and submit your claim.

The defendant(s) in a personal injury case can be:

  • Individuals
  • Doctors (in a medical malpractice or negligence case)
  • Property owners
  • Aggressive or intoxicated drivers
  • Negligent commercial drivers

Corporations that:

  • Sell defective items
  • Manufacture dangerous drugs
  • Hire reckless staff members
  • Maintain unsafe construction sites

An agency of government entity could be to blame for accidents caused by:

  • Unsafe roads
  • City streets
  • Public schools
  • Police brutality

When Should You Contact a Salem Personal Injury Lawyer?

The first thing you need to do after an accident is to pursue medical help. As soon as the medical professional has given you the all-clear, you can then reach out to a Salem personal injury lawyer. The lawyer will then advise you on the best way forward, as well as what is required for you to win your injury claim. Call Michael Kelly at (978) 584-7677 and set up a free case assessment. Our lawyers will then review your case and look at your medical documents to figure out if the claim is worth pursuing. You don’t have to pay for anything while we do this because we only earn money if we win your case.

Driving Directions to our Salem Office

Please note: Our Salem office is by appointment only. Please call us first.

Our Salem Office is located on Lafayette St in Salem. It is situated between Dodge St and Harbor St. Our office is located minutes away from Salem Hospital, Punto Urban Art Museum, Salem library and Broad Street Cemetery. We serve the Salem area including The Point, South Peabody, and North Shore Region.

Coming from Georgetown, MA: Get on I-95 S from MA-133 E. Head south toward North St. Turn right toward North St. Turn left onto North St. Turn left at the 1st cross street onto MA-133 E. Turn right to merge onto I-95 S toward Peabody/Boston. Continue on I-95 S to Peabody. Take exit 40A from MA-128 N. Merge onto I-95 S. Take exit 64 to merge onto MA-128 Ntoward Gloucester. Take exit 40A toward MA-114 E/Andover St. Keep left, follow signs for MA-114 E/Salemand merge onto MA-114 E/Andover St. Take Gardner St and MA-114 E to Gedney St in Salem. Merge onto MA-114 E/Andover St. Turn left onto Pulaski St, the turn right onto Gardner St. Turn right onto MA-114 E/Margin St. Continue to follow MA-114 E. At the traffic circle, continue straight onto Summer St. Turn left onto Gedney St. and Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers will be on the left.

Coming from downtown Boston, MA: Take MA-1A N to Tomasello Wy. Head north on Cambridge St toward Sudbury St. Turn right onto Sudbury St. Turn left onto Merrimac St. Turn right onto New Chardon St, then take a slight right onto the MA-1A N ramp to Logan Airport. Continue onto toll road MA-1A N. Take the exit on the left to stay on MA-1A N toward Revere. Follow Tomasello Wy to Revere Beach Pkwy/Winthrop Ave in Revere. Turn right onto Tomasello Wy. Continue straight onto 23NE 2/Tomasello Wy. Continue on Revere Beach Pkwy to Revere Beach Blvd. Turn right onto Revere Beach Pkwy/Winthrop Ave. Continue to follow Revere Beach Parkway. Continue straight onto MA-145 S. Get on MA-1A N/General Edwards Bridge/Lynnway/N Shore Rd. At the traffic circle, take the 2nd exit onto Revere Beach Blvd. Continue straight onto Lynnway. Take the Route 1A ramp on the left to Lynn/Swampscott. Continue on Lynnway. Take MA-1A N and Jefferson Ave to Summer St in Salem. Merge onto MA-1A N/General Edwards Bridge/Lynnway/N Shore Rd. Continue to follow MA-1A N/Lynnway then Pass by Hertz (on the right in 1.5 mi). Continue straight onto Lynnway. At the traffic circle, take the 3rd exit onto Lynn Shore Dr. Turn left onto Ocean Terrace then Turn right onto Ocean St. Continue onto MA-1A N/New Ocean St. Continue to follow MA-1A N. Turn left onto Jefferson Ave. Continue on Summer St. Drive to Gedney St. Turn left onto Summer St, Turn right onto Gedney St and Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers will be on the left.

Coming from Lynnfield, MA: Take MA-128 N and MA-114 E to Summer St in Salem, Head southeast on Summer St toward Parsons Ave. Turn right onto Walnut St then turn left to merge onto I-95 N/MA-128 N toward Peabody/Portsmouth. Keep left at the fork to continue on MA-128 N. Take exit 41 for Endicott St. Turn left onto Endicott St. Turn right onto MA-35 S/Water St .Continue to follow MA-35 S. Continue onto MA-114 E/Margin St then Continue to follow MA-114 E. Drive to Gedney St. At the traffic circle, continue straight onto Summer St. Turn left onto Gedney St. and Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers will be on the left.

Serving The Following Neighborhoods

  • Salem, MA
  • 01970
  • 01971

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