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Slip and Fall Lawyer in Worcester, MA

Our experienced accident lawyers in Worcester, MA can help get you the slip and fall accident compensation and justice you deserve.

  • 30-day client satisfaction guarantee
  • 24/7 support
  • Personal approach
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Slip and fall accidents can turn your world upside down. In just an instant, your life can change dramatically. You may be facing high medical bills, a lifelong injury, and you could even be unable to work. You may not understand what rights you have or if you can recover compensation.

A 30-day client satisfaction guarantee for serious injury cases
Personalized service of a small law firm that seeks big results
Available 24/7 to answer your questions or concerns

We can help. Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers is a dedicated team of trial attorneys who know how to fight for your rights. We are not afraid to take your slip and fall claim to court, and we will battle to recover as much compensation as possible. You are not alone. If you sustained injuries in a slip and fall accident, you may be eligible to recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.

Get help from a slip and fall lawyer in Worcester, MA today. Call Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers now for a free case review.

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Slip and Fall
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Types of Slip and Fall Accidents Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers Takes On

Slip and fall accidents can cause severe pain, missed time at work, and thousands of dollars in medical bills. It can be frustrating to face these consequences for an accident that was caused by another party’s negligence. Whether you sustained injuries at work, at a store, or any other location, we can help.

Our team works to recover damages for a wide range of slip and fall accidents, including:

Wet floors
Weather-related slips
Cluttered aisles
Broken stairs
Damaged flooring
Parking lot potholes
Uneven sidewalks
Loose or torn carpeting
Elevators or escalator injuries
Ground openings, such as ditches or open sewer covers

If you sustained injuries in a Worcester, MA slip and fall accident, a personal injury lawyer can help. Call us today to discuss your case. You may be eligible to recover a wide range of monetary damages.

Establishing Fault in Worcester, MA Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall injuries can occur for a variety of reasons, and not every slip and fall victim will be eligible to recover damages. To understand if you have a case, we suggest speaking with a slip and fall lawyer in Worcester, MA who can review the details of your case.

The first step in determining whether you may have a case to claim damages is to establish liability. In Massachusetts, we must prove the following points before proceeding with a claim.

  1. The defendant owed the victim a duty of care.
  2. The defendant failed to uphold this duty.
  3. The victim suffered damages.
  4. Those damages were a result of action or inaction on the part of the defendant.

For example, if you are grocery shopping and slip on a wet patch on the floor caused by a known issue, such as a cooler leaking, the grocery store may be liable for your injuries.

At Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers, we fight aggressively for the rights of slip and fall accident victims. To understand your legal options, contact us. Our team will even come to you.

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Get a Free Case Evaluation

Share the details of your situation with us so we can begin advocating on your behalf. We customize our approach to fit the unique needs of each client.
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Damages You May Recover in Your Worcester, MA Slip and Fall Accident

Our team will fight aggressively to recover all the compensation you are eligible for in your Worcester, MA injury case. The final amount we recover will depend on the details of your specific case. However, in general, we pursue the following damages in slip and fall accidents.

Medical Damages

Slip and fall accidents can cause a broad range of injuries, from scrapes and broken bones to severe brain injuries. You may be able to recover the cost of any medical care you require as a result of your accident.

Property Damages

You may also recover the cost of replacing any property damaged in the accident. For example, if your laptop flew from your arms as you slipped or if you broke your glasses in your fall.

Lost Wages

In many cases, you may be unable to return to work until your injuries have healed. Or, you may not be able to continue in the same line of work. For example, if you injure your back and can no longer lift heavy items as required for your job.

We may recover lost wages, including future wages, due to your inability to work after your injury.

Other Losses

You may also be eligible to recover disability and pain and suffering damages. For example, you may recover compensation for the pain you endured as a result of your slip and fall accident.

Client Reviews


I had a hard childhood. Drugs, violence, poverty, all that rough stuff. So it has never been not easy for me to trust people. I was hesitant to reach out for help, but from our very first interaction Steff was like an angel. She didn’t judge me, which I strongly believe is something only God has the right to do. She was attentive and understanding. She radiates kindness and empathy. I felt throughly supported throughout my whole case. Steff gave me a whole new perspective on human nature. It’s beautiful to know that people like her exist. God bless Steff.

Mackenzie Williams
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Be Aware of Time Limits for Slip and Fall Accidents in Worcester, MA

A statute of limitations is a legal time limit placed on pursuing a civil case in court. These laws are designed to protect the rights of all parties involved and to push for cases to settle while the evidence is still available and fresh. For example, it may be difficult to find witnesses who saw your accident several years after the injuries occur.

Based on Massachusetts law, you have three years to pursue most slip and fall accident cases in a court of law.

Contact a Slip and Fall Lawyer in Worcester, MA

After a Worcester, MA slip and fall injury, you may be unsure where to turn for the legal help you need. Let Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers fight for you. Our team offers professional, aggressive legal representation for accident victims just like you.

We are dedicated to pursuing every dollar you deserve and will even come to you to discuss your case. If you are unsure if you have a case or do not know what your next steps should be, we can help.

Call Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers to discuss your case. We offer a free review to help you better understand your rights under Massachusetts law.

Serving The Following Neighborhoods

  • Worcester, MA
  • 01601
  • 01602
  • 01603
  • 01604
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  • 01653
  • 01655

30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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