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Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

Let our DUI accident attorney represent you with a personalized approach fitting the background of your specific drunk driver accident.

  • 30-day client satisfaction guarantee
  • 24/7 support
  • Personal approach
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Get Represented by Specialized Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is, by definition, negligent. The careless act of getting behind the wheel when impaired puts the driver’s, as well as others’, lives at risk and can result in a fatal accident. If you are a victim of a drunk driving accident, our DUI injury attorneys will secure justice on your behalf.

We have dozens of successfully completed DUI cases under our belts, so our legal tactics are supported by years of experience. As our recent verdicts and settlements show, we take each case with absolute dedication to our client’s cause. Our personal injury lawyers use an assertive tone and aggressive representation to achieve maximum compensation for you.

A 30-day client satisfaction guarantee for serious injury cases
Personalized service of a small law firm that seeks big results
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Massachusetts Drunk Driving Definition

According to the Massachusetts drunk or drugged driving law, driving with a blood alcohol percentage of .08 or greater is considered driving under the influence (DUI). The research conducted by the Massachusetts government in 2021 concluded that more than 34% of all driving accidents were caused by intoxication.

The numbers have not gone down since then, but the $250 fine was raised to $500 at minimum, going up to $50,000 at most for subsequent offenders. DUI is not a felony until the third offense; however, serious injuries or fatal consequences may result in a felony conviction. If you are a victim, any injuries sustained in a Boston car accident entitle you to request jail time and an accordant settlement in a court of law.

Why Drinking and Driving Causes Accidents

Drunk driving accidents are typically caused by the offending driver’s impaired state. These are the main effects of drunk driving:

  1. Trouble focusing: In 2022, 2,337 people died in motor vehicle accidents that were caused by drivers with a blood alcohol concentration between .01 and .07, proving that even legal alcohol concentration leads to trouble focusing.
  2. A failure to brake or delay in doing so: At the level of .08 grams of alcohol per deciliter, intoxication while driving leads to slower reaction time and failure to brake in time.
  3. Falling asleep at the wheel: Drunk drivers are proven to be more likely to fall asleep while driving.
  4. Diminished visibility: At blood alcohol concentration levels above .08, drivers usually face a shorter concentration span and foggy vision.
  5. Driving too slowly: As shown by the Boston drunk driving accident cases, even slow driving can cause safety concerns, especially on highways or motorways.

Who Is Considered a Drunk Driving Victim?

Our Lowell personal injury attorney and car accident lawyer team has seen numerous Boston drunk driving accident cases, and here’s who is considered a victim as per our expertise:

  • The driver and the passengers of the other car
  • Passengers in the drunk driver’s car
  • Pedestrians
  • Cyclists
  • Other people affected and/or injured by the accident.

In car accident cases that lead to the wrongful death of the victim, their parents/children/spouses legally take the role of a victim. That includes all the rights, as well as hiring a drunk driving accident lawyer to fight for fair compensation.

Drunk Driving Accident Statistics

According to NHTSA, every day, 37 people die in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes resulting from the effect alcohol has on a person’s ability to drive safely. This amounts to 1 death every 40 minutes in the United States.

In 2022, 13,524 people were killed as a result of driving under the influence. DUI auto accidents account for 32% of all traffic-related fatalities. In Massachusetts specifically, there were 434 fatal DUI accidents in 2022.

Dram Shop & Social Host Laws

At Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers, we know that many car accidents are partially caused by third-party persons not present at the accident scene, including shops/bars that sell alcoholic beverages to drivers. Our New Bedford personal injury attorney team will therefore help you identify all potential at-fault parties and insurance companies.

In Massachusetts, the supplier of the alcohol can be held liable in the event they knew or should have known the consumer was a possible drunk driving risk. The courts have very clearly stated that shop owners owe the public a duty to prevent drunk driving as a result of over-serving.

Our Boston drunk driving accident lawyers can help you find the bar or restaurant that could be partially responsible for a car accident caused by drunk driving if they contributed to the accident’s cause.

Meet our team!

Principal Attorney
Michael D. Kelly
Chief Operating Officer
Tim Paoli
Director of Client Settlements
Cristopher Collins
Senior Pre-Litigation Attorney
Michael W Kelly
Senior PIP Attorney
Robert Kimball
Trial Attorney
John McCarthy
Trial Attorney
Cole Owen
Manager of Client Settlement
Luke Sotcker
Contact your lawyer now!

Seeking Compensation After a Boston Drunk Driving Accident

Although drunk drivers are liable for restitution in a criminal action, this amount will likely not be fully compensated. Victims and their families can seek civil damages in a proceeding separate from a criminal drunk driving case.

An expert drunk driving auto accident attorney from our team of Massachusetts car accident attorneys can help you navigate the civil claim process. We’ll ensure you are fairly compensated for your car accident injuries.

What Our Drunk Driving Victim Attorney Can Do for You

Our drunk driver injury attorney can help you reach a fair settlement and achieve justice. Here’s how we can do that:

  • Gathering evidence, including sobriety test reports, surveillance records, medical reports, and statements
  • Working with law enforcement and officials to form a compelling case
  • Assessing damages and costs
  • Negotiating claims with insurance companies
  • Representing you in court
  • Advising you on legal proceedings and things to do after a car accident
  • Pursuing every available avenue of compensation.

Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Near Me

Share the details of your situation with us so we can begin advocating on your behalf. We customize our approach to fit the unique needs of each client.
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DUI Victim Compensation in Boston

According to Massachusetts law, victims of a Boston drunk driving accident are entitled to a certain amount of compensation, which depends on the specifics of your case. This compensation should be provided by the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

Here are the main types of compensation that you may obtain:

  • Medical expenses

    If you have received medical treatment for any injuries sustained in the accident, our lawyers will ensure that the medical bills are covered. This goes for both minor and severe injuries, as well as any other form of medical attention, therapy, medication, or future treatments.

  • Lost wages

    If the accident causes you to miss out on work, you can also get compensated for lost wages.

  • Pain and suffering

    You are entitled to compensation for not only physical but also emotional and psychological pain that you otherwise wouldn’t have gone through if it wasn’t for the accident.

  • Property damage

    If your property or car was damaged during a DUI accident, we’ll argue that the repairs are funded by the driver at fault on your behalf.

Client Reviews


I Appreciate all the Help with The case Thanks for bearing with me , Through the Process.Thankyou Stephanie,And Thankyou Maureen you both was Very Helpful.

Eljah Shomoney
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Contact Our Drunk Driver Accident Lawyer

If you have suffered an injury caused by someone who was driving while intoxicated, our drunk driver accident lawyer might be able to help you. Our goal is to fight for your rights under the law of the state of Massachusetts with a case-specific approach.

At Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers, we have vast experience in personal injury claims, including DUI cases, truck crashes, hit-and-run accidents, and more. We’ve helped numerous accident victims seek compensation and achieve fair verdicts.

Contact us today for a free consultation. We will be happy to hear you out and analyze your case.

30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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