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Texting While Driving Car Accident Lawyers in Boston

Our experienced accident lawyers can help get you the car accident compensation and justice you deserve.

  • 30-day client satisfaction guarantee
  • 24/7 support
  • Personal approach
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Boston Texting While Driving Accident Attorneys

Have you been injured in a car accident in Boston caused by a driver who was texting while driving?

The Boston car accident lawyers at Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers can help you through the claim process and make sure you are compensated for the negligence of the distracted driver. Texting and driving is against the law and we don’t take accidents caused by individuals who cause car accidents while texting lightly.

A 30-day client satisfaction guarantee for serious injury cases
Personalized service of a small law firm that seeks big results
Available 24/7 to answer your questions or concerns

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It is Illegal to Text and Drive in Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Safe Driving Act of 2010 makes it an offense for any motor vehicle operator to use a mobile electronic or any other device to write, send, or read an electronic message including text messages, emails, and instant messages, nor can they access the Internet while driving.

The law also encompasses the unsafe use of any mobile telephone or hand-held device (one hand must be on the steering wheel at all times), and use of a device at all by anyone operating a vehicle under the age of 18.  Teen drivers are more likely to be involved in an accident involving texting. This law applies even if traffic is stopped.

Meet our team!

Principal Attorney
Michael D. Kelly
Chief Operating Officer
Tim Paoli
Director of Client Settlements
Cristopher Collins
Senior Pre-Litigation Attorney
Michael W Kelly
Senior PIP Attorney
Robert Kimball
Trial Attorney
John McCarthy
Trial Attorney
Cole Owen
Manager of Client Settlement
Luke Sotcker
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Texting and Driving Accident Statistics

There is no arguing that using a phone while driving has led to a significant number of traffic accidents. For example, in 2011, roughly 1.3 million auto accidents involved cell phones, which equals 23 percent of all accidents. It is estimated that texting and driving makes a crash 23 times more likely. In 2012, 3,328 people were killed in distraction-related crashes.

A major player in Massachusetts car accidents while texting and is the idea that sending or receiving a text message takes only a moment.. What offenders don’t consider, however, is that even one second can be the difference between causing or avoiding an accident.

For example, taking your attention off of the road for 5 seconds while traveling 55 mph is equivalent to driving blind for about 100 yards. Interestingly, of the 34 percent of people polled in a recent study who have admitted to texting and driving, 77 percent said that they are confident they could text and drive safely.

Talking On a Cell Phone While Driving is Also Dangerous

It is important to understand that texting is not the only culprit. Cell phone use in general increases the risk of a crash significantly. Those talking on a cell phone are 4 times more likely to have a car accident than those who are not. Studies by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that talking on cell phones while driving a vehicle can decrease reaction time markedly.

Although we are aware that cell phones increase the rates of car accidents, these cases can be difficult to prove. In many cases, an offending driver will deny using their cell phone at the time the accident occurred. If that is the case, you may need the help of a lawyer to subpoena the offending driver’s phone records.

Texting While Driving Car Accident Lawyers Near Me

Texting While Driving Car Accident Lawyers Near Me

Share the details of your situation with us so we can begin advocating on your behalf. We customize our approach to fit the unique needs of each client.
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How Our Texting & Driving Accident Lawyers Can Help

If you, or a loved one, have suffered an injury caused by texting or distracted by a cell phone in any way, the lawyers at Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers can help you. We understand that auto accidents of any kind can have negative consequences for you and your loved ones.

We work extremely hard to ensure all of the legal details of your case are handled properly and effectively. In the event you retain us as your attorneys, we encourage you to be as involved in the process as you would like and will always be here to answer your questions.

We pride ourselves on the positive results we are able to get for our clients time and time again.

Client Reviews


I really liked that I was always able to reach my lawyers and it wasnt extremely difficult to do so. They kept me informed and were always readily available to answer any of the questions I did have. I had a great experience and felt very personable with my lawyers and as though they represented me very well!

Gabby Santucci
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Contact Our Texting & Driving Accident Attorneys

If you have been injured in a car accident, you will need an aggressive Boston car wreck attorney to ensure you receive compensation for your injuries.

To set up a free consultation, call the lawyers at Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers today. We would be more than happy to evaluate your claim and provide you with a realistic valuation of your case. If you would like one of our attorneys to contact you, please fill out the free consultation form.

30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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