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Chelsea Personal Injury Attorney

Our experienced accident lawyers in Chelsea, MA can help get you the personal injury accident compensation and justice you deserve.

  • 30-day client satisfaction guarantee
  • 24/7 support
  • Personal approach
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Michael Kelly is a Boston-area personal injury law firm. We represent Chelsea residents and families who have suffered personal injuries or a tragic loss because of someone else’s negligence or recklessness. We focus our practice on helping our clients recover compensation to pay for unexpected medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses an injury or loss has caused them. Our goal is to help our clients achieve financial stability that will allow them to survive this difficult time. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced, client-centered personal injury attorney.

Motorcycle accident
Car accident
Pedestrain accident
Slip And Fall
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A Personal Injury Law Firm For Your Community

We are a team of Boston locals. From our offices in the North End, we represent Chelsea residents who have been injured or lost a loved one in an accident that wasn’t their fault. We’re committed to helping Chelsea’s hard-working families recover from tragedy because we know the kind of investment they’ve made in their community. Whether you’re Chelsea born-and-bred, or you’ve planted roots and raised a family here, Michael Kelly is on your side.

Our founder, Attorney Michael D. Kelly, knows what it takes to work hard and make a change in a community. He graduated with honors from New England Law School, but instead of taking a job at a big, corporate law firm, he decided to commit his practice to help working families recover from injuries and tragic losses. For him, being a good lawyer means making a personal connection. He meets with every one of his clients one-on-one, you can reach him 24/7, and he even offers a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, to show he’s worthy of his clients’ trust at a difficult moment in their lives.

A 30-day client satisfaction guarantee for serious injury cases
Personalized service of a small law firm that seeks big results
Available 24/7 to answer your questions or concerns

Cases We Handle

Michael Kelly represents Chelsea residents and their families dealing with all kinds of injuries and tragic losses. Some of the more common injuries our clients need help recovering from include:

Wrongful death
Traumatic brain injuries and concussions
Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
Nerve damage
Sternum fractures
Traumatic amputation and crush injuries
Burns, scars, and disfigurement
Broken bones and orthopedic injuries
Back and neck injuries, including soft tissue damage
Food-borne illnesses and disease
Puncture and bite wounds

Many of our clients came to us after one of the following types of accidents or incidents:

  • Motor vehicle accidents

    Chelsea traffic can be a mess, as anyone who has sat in a car on Shawmut Street in the morning knows. We represent victims of single and multi-car accidents, large truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents, that have devastated the lives of Chelsea residents and families.

  • Pedestrian accidents

    All around Boston, and Chelsea is no exception, distracted driving is taking a toll. When a driver staring at his phone hits a pedestrian in a crosswalk, lives can change forever. We represent the victims of any tragic accident involving a pedestrian.

  • Bicycle accidents

    It takes some bravery to ride a bike in Chelsea because of the traffic and congestion. Between distracted drivers and “doorings” (where someone opens a door into the path of a cyclist), bike accidents cause serious injuries and even tragic deaths for Chelsea residents.

  • Boating accidents

    Anyone who’s taken a boat out off Revere Beach to do a little fishing knows tragedy can strike on the waters near Chelsea. We represent victims of accidental drownings and boating/jet ski collisions throughout the area.

  • Public transportation accidents

    Families in and around Chelsea residents rely heavily on the MBTA to get them to work and school. When a bus or T accident leads to an injury or tragedy, we have the knowledge and experience to navigate the difficult task of seeking damages from a government agency.

  • Construction accidents

    Chelsea residents know what it means to work hard. When workers fall victim to unsafe conditions on a construction site, whether they’re high up on scaffolding or operating heavy machinery, we’re there to help them get the compensation they deserve.

  • Unsafe property accidents

    Chelsea property owners have an obligation to keep their premises safe for visitors. When they fail to live up to that obligation, we are here to help the victims.

  • Dog attacks

    Dog bits and other attacks shouldn’t happen, but they do. Chelsea parents, in particular, know the danger a dog can pose to a child who doesn’t know the warning signs of a dangerous dog. When a bite injures a child or an adult, we know how to hold dog owners accountable.

  • Defective products

    Manufacturers of the products we use every day have a duty to make sure those products are safe for ordinary use. When their products fail and cause an injury or tragic death, Massachusetts law gives victims the right to recover significant damages.

Our Approach and Results

At Michael Kelly, we put our clients first. We begin every representation by listening to our clients’ stories, not just about their accidents and injuries, but also about how tragedy has changed their lives and what their needs are to recover.

We have years of experience investigating and litigating personal injury claims. We work hard to get the best possible results to meet our clients’ needs. We negotiate with insurance companies and, when necessary, we bring legal actions against the parties at fault for our client’s injuries and losses. We’re prepared to fight our clients’ cases in court if that’s what it takes.

Get a Free Case Evaluation

Get a Free Case Evaluation

Share the details of your situation with us so we can begin advocating on your behalf. We customize our approach to fit the unique needs of each client.
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At Michael Kelly, we’re proud of the results we’ve achieved for our clients, including:

  • $145,000 for a client injured in a pedestrian accident;
  • $100,000 for a client injured in a head-on collision;
  • $70,000 for a woman struck by a vehicle while crossing the street.

An initial consultation with a potential client is always free of charge. We also routinely represent our clients on a “contingent fee” basis, meaning we do not get paid unless and until our clients recover compensation through a settlement or jury verdict.

Client Reviews


Very helpful and informative, I never expected that. Thank you for everything you’ve done.

Midtown Player
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Client-Centered, Family-Oriented Personal Injury Lawyer in Chelsea

If you or a loved one have sustained injuries or suffered a tragic loss because of someone else’s negligence or recklessness, you may be entitled to compensation. The sooner you act the better. The personal injury team at Michael Kelly may be able to help. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Serving The Following Neighborhoods

  • Chelsea, MA
  • 02150

30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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