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Newton Personal Injury Lawyer

Our experienced accident lawyers in Newton, MA can help get you the personal injury accident compensation and justice you deserve.

  • 30-day client satisfaction guarantee
  • 24/7 support
  • Personal approach
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Newton, Massachusetts, also known as “The Garden City,” has a rich history, like many of the towns that lie in close proximity to Boston. Its distinctive 13-village layout provides residents with an abundance of indoor and outdoor activities. When going about your daily life in Newton, accidents happen that might lead to serious, even catastrophic injuries. In some cases, these injuries might have been avoided if it weren’t for the negligence or intent to harm of another party. Whether you slip and fall while walking to or from the MBTA station at Newton Centre, get into a car accident while driving on Heartbreak Hill, or sustain an injury from using a defective product, you might be overwhelmed with stress due to your injury.

At Michael Kelly, our empathetic legal team is familiar with the financial, emotional, and physical stress that getting injured carries with it for victims and their families. We strive to help our clients forge through their struggle and alleviate some of their worries. If you, your child, or another family member has been injured due to another party’s negligence, you might be eligible to recover damages that are related to your injury. Contact one of our experienced personal injury lawyers in Newton, or visit us online to schedule a free consultation and discuss the ways in which Michael Kelly can help you.

Motorcycle accident
Car accident
Pedestrain accident
Slip And Fall
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Our Dedication to Newton Personal Injury Victims

After graduating from New England Law School where he flourished as a law student, Michael Kelly began his own firm to focus on helping clients seek justice for injuries. Since Michael Kelly opened its doors, client service has remained a top priority. The firm offers clients free consultations, a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, and 24-hour access to answer questions and concerns from clients who might be feeling overwhelmed with the legal process.

It’s common for injured victims to miss work and lose wages due to their accident or injury, and often times medical bills will stack up during this time. We want to offer our clients some solace during their recovery in the ways that we can. In addition to free consultations, we handle personal injury cases on a contingency basis. You don’t have to worry about paying out-of-pocket, we will recover our fees from any compensation that you receive for your injury. If your injury is too severe for you to travel, we will also come to your home or the hospital to discuss your case.

A 30-day client satisfaction guarantee for serious injury cases
Personalized service of a small law firm that seeks big results
Available 24/7 to answer your questions or concerns

Common Types of Personal Injury Accidents Handled by Michael Kelly

At Michael Kelly, we have negotiated, settled, and gone to trial in multiple types of personal injury cases. A wide array of accidents might give rise to a personal injury lawsuit that requires legal counsel. Here are the types of accidents that we most often handle:

  1. Auto accidents
  2. Truck accidents
  3. Motorcycle accidents
  4. Boating accidents
  5. Pedestrian accidents
  6. Bicycle accidents
  7. MBTA accidents
  8. Construction site accidents
  9. Slip and fall accidents
  10. Dog attacks
  11. Wrongful death claims

Common Types of Injuries Handled by Michael Kelly

Victims who have been involved in a serious accident might sustain multiple types of injuries. Some common types of injuries that are associated with personal injury cases include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries and other head traumas
  • Broken and fractured bones
  • Lacerations and cuts that might result in permanent scars
  • Neck injuries
  • Back injuries such as herniated discs and cracked vertebrae
  • Spinal cord injuries that might result in chronic pain or paralysis
  • Burn injuries that might result in disfigurement
  • Dog Bites that might result in scarring and disfigurement
  • Amputations
  • Dislocated joints
  • Soft tissue damages such as torn ligaments and tendons, especially common with slip and fall injuries
  • Internal organ injuries and bleeding caused by sharp objects or broken ribs

Client Reviews


I was involved in a Hit and Run and Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers made me feel like I had a voice about what happened to me. I didn’t think much would come of my incident but they made sure the person was held accountable and helped recover our loses. Thank you Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers! 😊 highly recommend them if you’ve been injured and need help!

Shaiann Andrade
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How Michael Kelly Can Help You After an Injury

Some struggle with the decision to hire a personal injury lawyer after an accident. If you have been injured because of another party, you deserve to recover any losses that you have incurred due to that injury. Not all accidents result in serious injuries, but those that are severe or result in a fatality require the services of a skilled personal injury lawyer to navigate the legal process.

Once you receive the medical attention that you need, whether at Newton-Wellesley, or another local facility, you need to pass the reigns to an experienced personal injury attorney to handle the details of your case. Here are some of the services that Michael Kelly provides after a severe injury:

  1. We will investigate your accident to gather information to support your lawsuit. This includes taking photos, talking to witnesses, obtaining relevant reports such as medical reports, witness statements, and more.
  2. We will consult with our vast network of specialists and expert witnesses to determine liability and the value of your damages. We maintain strong relationships with accident reconstruction specialists, life care planners, and other experts who will help us build your case.
  3. We will negotiate with any relevant parties including other drivers, property owners, large corporations, and insurance carriers. Our team will communicate with these parties to negotiate the best possible outcome for your situation, while you focus on recovering from your injuries.
  4. We are prepared to aggressively litigate your case in court if those that are responsible for injuries deny claims or refuse to compensate you for the amount that you deserve for medical treatment, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Get a Free Case Evaluation

Get a Free Case Evaluation

Share the details of your situation with us so we can begin advocating on your behalf. We customize our approach to fit the unique needs of each client.
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A Newton Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You Today

Massachusetts law provides a three-year window for you to take legal action if you were injured by another party. Dealing with insurance claims, tricky settlement offers, and other complicated aspects of a personal injury case takes your focus away from rehabilitation and recovery. If you, your child, or another loved one has sustained an injury in Newton because of another party’s negligence, contact Michael Kelly for a free consultation to discuss your case with a skilled personal injury lawyer, who will guide you through the legal process and advocate for the best results for your particular circumstances.

Our Newton MA personal injury law office is located at:

Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers
20 Nevada St, Suite 301-A
Newton, MA 02460

(617) 444-4444

Serving The Following Neighborhoods

  • Newton, MA
  • 02458
  • 02459
  • 02460
  • 02461
  • 02462
  • 02464
  • 02465
  • 02495

30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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