An auto accident can become a source of numerous issues that can disturb your otherwise peaceful life, even if it’s only a seemingly minor car crash. On top of property damage and emotional distress, small collisions can inflict serious injuries and hidden losses.
That is why every road user must know what to do after a minor car accident to protect their legal rights and claim a fair settlement. In fact, recent reports from the NHTSA show that motor vehicle injury claims that were handled professionally reached almost $500B in compensation.
Today, we’ll share expert legal advice on what to do after a minor collision to make sure that you are always prepared for the unexpected!
- Inspect Yourself for Injuries
- Document the Scene of a Minor Car Accident
- Move Your Vehicle Off the Road
- Inform the Authorities about the Minor Car Accident
- Don’t Admit Fault in a Minor Car Accident
- Exchange Information
- Remain at the Scene of the Minor Car Accident
- Report the Minor Car Accident to Your Insurance Company
- Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer
- Get a Free Case Evaluation
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee
Inspect Yourself for Injuries
Your health and well-being are of the highest priority, so the first thing you should do is to check yourself and your passengers for any signs of physical trauma. Keep in mind that the adrenalin rush from the car accident can mask some of the signs of the injury.
Not to mention that head traumas like concussions, back injuries, and internal bleeding may have a delayed effect. Call an ambulance after the incident and seek medical attention immediately. Besides, medical records will later serve as invaluable proof of your future injury claim.
Document the Scene of a Minor Car Accident
After ensuring that you and the other parties involved are unharmed and secure, you should start documenting the car accident scene. Take as many car accident photos as possible, shooting both cars from different angles.
Capture your injuries, property damage, road conditions, skid marks, debris, and traffic signs. Try to record even the tiniest detail. You can’t predict which piece of evidence can turn the tables in your case. It is also a good idea to turn on a time stamp feature on your device so that an insurance company or any other party can dispute the reliability of the digital evidence.
Move Your Vehicle Off the Road
If your car still operates and you aren’t advised otherwise, you should move it off the street. Look for a nearby parking lot or a shoulder to relocate it. Should there be none of these in the vicinity, taking the vehicle to the side of the road is a good option, too. Don’t forget to turn the hazard lights on to inform other drivers of the incident and prevent any more car accidents from happening.
Inform the Authorities about the Minor Car Accident
It is easy to underestimate the full scale of the damages inflicted by a minor car accident, and some people decide not to call the authorities. Especially if the other driver suggests you solve the incident amicably. Yet, at Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers, we always advise you to call 911 after a car accident.
If all the people involved seem to be unharmed, you can specify this with a dispatch operator so that they send only a police officer to the scene. Keep in mind an official car accident report will help you secure fair compensation since an insurance company may reject a claim without a police report attached.
Don’t Admit Fault in a Minor Car Accident
A few people know what to do after a minor car accident, but even fewer are aware of what not to do. The most important things are to avoid discussing fault and to refrain from apologizing. It may seem impolite not to offer the other driver any words of apology, but in some cases, they may be used against you.
Even when you are talking to a police officer, don’t share anything except for the facts and details that are mandatory in minor collisions like that. Keep your answers short and to the point.
Exchange Information
After a minor car accident occurs, you should approach the other driver and obtain their contact information and insurance information. Write down personal details, the license plate number, along with the name of the insurance company.
If there are any passengers in the car or other witnesses at the accident scene, ask about their names and contact information. Eyewitness statements often come as a help when it comes to proving fault in a minor car accident, so you wouldn’t want to lose such valuable leverage simply because you failed to exchange contact details.
Remain at the Scene of the Minor Car Accident
If you leave the scene of a minor accident after the incident has been reported to law enforcement, you may get yourself charged with a criminal offense. Drivers who flee the scene are often viewed as irresponsible and potentially guilty.
So, it is best to remain near your vehicle until a police officer documents everything and clears you to leave. Surely, if you’ve suffered serious car accident injuries and are advised immediate hospitalization, you can go. The authorities will contact you in the hospital and collect the details they need to process the case.
Report the Minor Car Accident to Your Insurance Company
Contacting your insurance company is yet another critical step to take, even after a minor accident. Even if you assume that the other driver is to blame for the collision, your provider should be notified to prevent any future complications.
If you don’t contact the insurance company on time, the delay may negatively affect your car accident settlement. In the worst-case scenario, the insurer may reject your claim altogether, which will trigger countless legal implications or leave you dealing with sustained damages and losses on your own.
A word of advice: don’t speculate about the fault while reporting the incident; always stick to the facts.
Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer
If, upon first glance, your injuries and damages seem insignificant, you may naturally assume that you can handle the minor accident without a lawyer. However, some losses take time to be adequately assessed. A legal advisor with extensive field experience will determine the precise value of your case based on available information. They will take on the insurance company negotiations, ensuring that you are not lowballed and that your rights are fully protected.
Moreover, a trained attorney can attain valuable evidence to strengthen the claim and recover fair compensation. Simply put, a committed Boston car accident lawyer is a reliable partner to side with.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to notify the authorities if no one is injured?
If no one is injured in a minor accident, you are not legally bound, per se, to call the police. However, notifying the authorities about the incident is in your best interests. An official accident report can serve as valuable proof of your insurance claim.
What should be done if the other driver wants to handle the accident without calling the insurance company?
It may seem like a lucrative opportunity to settle the accident without calling the car insurance provider on the spot, especially if the damages seem insignificant. However, before agreeing to this offer, you must consider the odds of the other driver disputing the case or filing a future claim against you.
Can I handle minor accidents without a lawyer?
Short answer: yes, you can. If you are sure of the damages that you’ve sustained and feel like you’re offered a fair settlement, you don’t have to hire an attorney. However, if there’s even a hint of doubt about potentially hidden losses, it is advised to consult a legal expert. You can contact us for a free consultation today!
What to do after a minor car accident if it was my fault?
If you caused or contributed to the accident, you should remain calm and follow the protocol. After you’ve exchanged contact and insurance information with the other driver and given your statement, you should contact the insurer. Don’t admit your fault, and let the authorities determine your liability in the incident.