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Chelsea Car Accident Lawyer

Our experienced accident lawyers in Chelsea, MA can help get you the car accident compensation and justice you deserve.

  • 30-day client satisfaction guarantee
  • 24/7 support
  • Personal approach
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Car accidents are part of daily life on the streets of Boston and its suburbs. In Chelsea, the police department responds to around 800 accidents every year, on average. That’s a one-car accident for every fifty Chelsea residents, give-or-take, which means the long-term odds of getting into an accident in Chelsea are much higher than they ought to be.

A 30-day client satisfaction guarantee for serious injury cases
Personalized service of a small law firm that seeks big results
Available 24/7 to answer your questions or concerns

Michael Kelly is a Boston-area law firm that represents the victims of car accidents and their families. When Chelsea residents suffer an injury or lose a loved one in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence or recklessness, our experienced, compassionate team wants to help. Our goal is to help anyone whose life has been devastated by a personal injury or a tragic loss to recover compensation that will help cover medical bills, lost wages, and the pain and suffering of this difficult time.

Car Accident
Car Accident
Car accident
Car Accident
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If you have been injured in an accident in Chelsea, or if you’ve lost a loved one to a senseless tragedy here, you may be entitled to significant compensation. Don’t wait to seek experienced, local legal help. Call the team at Michael Kelly today to schedule a free consultation.

Rated 5.0 on Google via our 200+ reviews.

We Serve Victims of Chelsea Car Accidents

At Michael Kelly, we’re Boston locals. Dealing with traffic in and around the Hub is part of our DNA. We know what it’s like to wait at the light at Central Avenue and Shawmut Street during Chelsea morning rush hour. And evening rush hour, for that matter. It’s frustrating at best, and sometimes it turns dangerous for tired, distracted drivers, bikers, and pedestrians.

Attorney Michael Kelly, our founder, is a local just like you. He graduated with honors from New England Law School and has been working to help victims of tragic accidents ever since. It’s a mission he takes personally because he knows how important it is for his clients to have a true advocate during this difficult moment in their lives. Attorney Kelly meets with every client one-on-one, is available 24/7 to answer questions, and offers a 30-day satisfaction guarantee of his services. He’s proud to protect the rights and interests of Chelsea residents and families, day-in, day-out.

Get a Free Case Evaluation

Get a Free Case Evaluation

Share the details of your situation with us so we can begin advocating on your behalf. We customize our approach to fit the unique needs of each client.
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We Handle All Kinds of Chelsea Car Accidents

Michael Kelly has experience representing victims of all kinds of car accidents. Every accident is different and poses its own challenges. To tackle those challenges, Attorney Kelly starts every relationship with a new client by listening. He knows how important it is to hear about not just the car accident and his client’s injuries, but also about how their lives have changed as a result.

Any type of car accident in Chelsea could bring a new client through our door, including:

We Take a Client-Centered Approach

At Michael Kelly, we only want our new clients to come to us when they’re ready. We understand they may be dealing with medical treatments, or they may be grieving a tragic loss. Those issues take first priority. When our clients are ready, and we agree to represent them, we dive into protecting their rights and seeking justice by:

  • Investigating

    Step one in every representation we handle is to meet with our client one-on-one. Only after we have an understanding of their needs and goals do we begin to investigate the facts and circumstances of the accident, from interviewing witnesses, visiting the accident scene, and reviewing police reports.

  • Preparing

    At Michael Kelly, we try to win our battles before they begin through diligent preparation. Our goal is to leave no stone unturned and no theory unexplored. When appropriate, we retain the services of experts in the areas of accident reconstruction or medical cost analysis, among others, to help us prepare to prove the impact an accident has had on our client’s life.

  • Negotiating

    The accident victims and victims’ families we represent often come to us after having been bombarded with calls from insurance adjusters hoping to agree on a quick settlement. Attorney Kelly typically takes over those negotiations, freeing his clients to spend their time and energies on healing, while he works to get them the best possible outcome.

  • Litigating

    When pretrial negotiation doesn’t yield an acceptable result for his clients, Attorney Kelly heads to court to present their cases to a judge and jury.

Throughout a representation, Michael Kelly treats client service and personalized attention as its top priorities. We pride ourselves on our commitment to open and available communication with our clients.

Client Reviews


Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers is a group that is totally dedicated to excellence and efficiency. I was very grateful for the regular communication about my case and for the genuine way I was cared for throughout the process. When I called, anyone who answered always directed me to the correct person I needed to talk to, and it never felt like a problem to stay in touch with the folks working on my case. Definitely recommend to anyone with a wrongful injury who wants a tenacious team that will fight for them!

Gwyneth Jones Moreno
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We Encourage Proactive Measures

Michael Kelly has assembled this checklist for Chelsea car accident victims and their families to consider following as a way to be proactive about protecting their rights. Some of our most important suggestions include:

  • Seeking immediate medical treatment. There is nothing more important to us than our clients’ health and wellbeing. Also, there can be nothing more important for our clients’ cases than showing they took their own care seriously and sought treatment right away after an accident.
  • Keeping records. Watching a mountain of bills grow because of expenses an accident heaped on you is never fun. But, holding on to those records can be important for showing the extent of damages caused by your accident and injuries.
  • Obtaining the accident report. Victims of car accidents can obtain a copy of their accident report at this Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles website, or from the Chelsea Police Department.
  • Avoiding interaction with an insurance adjuster. Insurance adjusters do not have accident victims’ best interests in mind when they call up offering a quick settlement. In our experience, they’re typically hoping to limit their liability by getting victims to make a poor decision during a vulnerable moment. Let your attorney handle negotiations with insurance adjusters instead.

Chelsea, Massachusetts Car Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one have suffered a severe injury in a car accident Chelsea, or you’ve lost a loved one senselessly, you may be entitled to compensation if you act quickly. The compassionate, client-focused, experienced team at Michael Kelly may be able to help. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Serving The Following Neighborhoods

  • Chelsea, MA
  • 02150

30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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