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Slip and Fall Lawyer in Methuen, MA

Our experienced accident lawyers in Methuen, MA can help get you the slip and fall accident compensation and justice you deserve.

  • 30-day client satisfaction guarantee
  • 24/7 support
  • Personal approach
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Methuen, MA slip and fall accidents lawyerA slip and fall accident sounds relatively harmless but far too often is anything but that. In fact, falls are a leading cause of catastrophic injury and wrongful death, particularly in certain segments of the population, such as young children and the elderly. At Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers, our Methuen slip and fall lawyers understand the life-altering effects of a fall. We help clients go after the party or parties that caused their injury and recover the compensation they deserve.

The Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers team believes our clients should pay for results only. That is why we never charge a fee until you recover the fair compensation you deserve. We handle everything from A to Z so that you can focus on getting better. To find out more about how Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers can fight for you and the compensation you deserve, call us today.

Slip And Fall
Slip and Fall
Slip and Fall
Slip and Fall
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Premises Liability Laws in Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, property owners are subject to strict premises liability laws. These laws establish when owners and managers are financially responsible for injuries that occur on their property. The rules are complex, which is why it is critical to choose an attorney who focuses on this area of law.

In general, property owner must keep their premises safe and free from hazards. If a dangerous condition emerges, the owner must attend to it right away and is required to take proactive steps to protect guests until the hazard is cleared.

Whether your injury occurred on residential or commercial property, a slip and fall lawyer in Methuen, MA from Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers can help. We will identify the responsible party or parties, collect evidence showing they failed to uphold the premises liability laws of Massachusetts, and help you collect the damages you deserve.

A 30-day client satisfaction guarantee for serious injury cases
Personalized service of a small law firm that seeks big results
Available 24/7 to answer your questions or concerns

Commercial Property Slip and Fall Accidents

Commercial property includes the following and more:

Shopping malls
Grocery stores
Office buildings
Parking structures
Parking lots

If your injury occurred on commercial property, a number of parties may be partly or fully liable. Our investigation will identify these parties, at which point your attorney will draw up a plan of action to pursue them and their insurers for full compensation.

Parties that may be liable for your commercial property injury include:

  • The property owner
  • The property manager
  • The property maintenance company
  • The business that leases the property

Residential Property Slip and Fall Accidents

Residential property owners and managers are also subject to Massachusetts premises liability laws. Examples of residential property include:

  • Single-family homes
  • Apartments
  • Condominiums
  • Mobile homes

Depending on the circumstances, we can potentially pursue several parties for damages in the event of a residential slip and fall injury. These parties include:

  • The homeowner or landlord
  • The tenant or renter
  • The property management company
  • The property maintenance company
  • The homeowners’ association
  • The contractor or building company

To find out more about how Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers can help you recover compensation for a slip and fall injury on commercial or residential property, call us for a free case evaluation.

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Get a Free Case Evaluation

Share the details of your situation with us so we can begin advocating on your behalf. We customize our approach to fit the unique needs of each client.
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Talk to a Methuen Slip and Fall Lawyer From Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers Before Accepting a Settlement

It is common after a slip and fall injury for the responsible party’s insurance company to reach out to the victim. Often, this call occurs under the pretense of “gathering information.” However, you should know that, similar to being questioned by the police, anything you say in this conversation may be held against you and used to reduce the value of your claim.

If the insurance company offers you a quick settlement, it is rarely a good idea to take it. The initial insurance company offer is unlikely to pay you anywhere near what you deserve. Rather than dealing with the insurance company directly, speak with a slip and fall lawyer in Methuen, MA from Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers. We will take on the insurance company on your behalf, making sure they compensate you fairly for your injury.

To set up your free case evaluation today, call us.

We Help You Collect the Compensation You Deserve

You may be eligible to recover substantial damages for your slip and fall injury in Methuen, MA. The team at Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers helps you pursue compensation for both economic and noneconomic losses. These include the following and more:

Medical Expenses

We help you win compensation to pay for your current medical bills as well as for those we anticipate you will incur in the future.

Lost Wages

We go after the responsible party to compensate you for any time you have had to spend away from work because of your injury.

Reduced Earning Capacity

If your earning power has taken a long-term hit because of your injury, we pursue the responsible party for compensation to cover the difference between what you are now capable of earning and what you would have been able to earn had you not been injured.

Pain and Suffering and Inconvenience

We also aggressively pursue several forms of noneconomic compensation, the most common being pain and suffering and inconvenience. Not all compensable losses involve specific financial loss. We make sure you get paid even for the losses that cannot be quantified in dollar terms.

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When I need the best advice possible, I always consult with Michael. The best that money can buy!

Steve Goodwin
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The Massachusetts Statute of Limitations

The Massachusetts statute of limitations for personal injury claims is generally three years, but there may be certain caveats or exceptions that apply depending on the unique circumstances of your case. A lawyer is best equipped to explain exactly what rules and restrictions apply to your injury. The sooner you meet with an attorney after a slip and fall injury, the better.

A slip and fall lawyer in Methuen, MA from Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers will take fast legal action, minimizing the chance that your case is affected by the statute of limitations or any other deadlines. To set up a free case evaluation, call us.

Call Today for a Free Slip and Fall Injury Case Evaluation in Methuen, MA

The Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers team is ready to get to work for you. If you slipped and fell in Methuen, we can help you recover damages. For a free case evaluation, call today.

Serving The Following Neighborhoods

  • Methuen, MA
  • 01844

30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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