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Roslindale Car Accident Lawyer

Our experienced accident lawyers in Roslindale, MA can help get you the car accident compensation and justice you deserve.

  • 30-day client satisfaction guarantee
  • 24/7 support
  • Personal approach
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Each year Boston’s metropolitan area ranks at or near the bottom of the cities with the safest drivers and notoriously has a high accident rate. In response to alarming injury and fatality statistics, Boston has initiated a Vision Zero program, like many other cities across the nation. The city commits to focusing its resources on actionable items that will eliminate serious and fatal traffic crashes by 2030. Until then, Roslindale residents remain at risk of being involved in a car accident with all of the city’s traffic and congestion. When an accident is the result of another motorist’s negligence, you might be able to recover damages for losses that are connected to your injuries.

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Car Accident
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At Michael Kelly, personal injury attorneys have seen the havoc that a serious car accident brings to victims and their families, including a stockpile of medical expenses, lost income from missing work, and the physical and emotional pain that comes with recovery. We are here during this demanding and unfortunate time in your life. Contact one of our compassionate and seasoned car accident attorneys in Roslindale for a free consultation to discuss the ways in which we can serve you.

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Our Dedication to Roslindale Car Accident Victims

Originally a streetcar suburb that was famous for its gardens, today’s Roslindale provides its residents with the perfect balance of suburban life only miles away from Boston’s city center. Unfortunately, Roslindale’s prime location comes with risk for motorists who commute and drive around the area. Whether headed to Harvard University’s famous Arnold Arboretum to visit the country’s oldest tree garden or the Roslindale Village Main Street District, residents might be involved in an accident; Vision Zero reports that most accidents occur along Washington Street in Roslindale, but many also happen at the intersection of Hyde Park Avenue and Cummins Highway.

An area native, Michael Kelly, has continued to represent those who are involved in accidents in the area since graduating from New England Law School, where he excelled as a law student and cultivated his passion for helping others. Kelly infused his philosophy into his own firm and remains dedicated to providing unmatched service to his clients. Michael Kelly offers free consultations in addition to a 30-day satisfaction guarantee and 24/7 phone access for questions and concerns. Individualized service includes lawyers who will meet with you at home or the hospital when you cannot travel because of your injury. Additionally, we handle our fees on contingency, only collecting attorney’s fees if we secure compensation for our client.

A 30-day client satisfaction guarantee for serious injury cases
Personalized service of a small law firm that seeks big results
Available 24/7 to answer your questions or concerns

Types of Car Accidents in Roslindale, MA

Michael Kelly has represented clients who have sustained injuries in multiple types of motor vehicle accidents, such as:

  1. Auto accidents
  2. Truck accidents
  3. Motorcycle accidents
  4. Bike accidents
  5. Pedestrian accidents
  6. Multi-car crashes
  7. Passenger injuries
  8. Uninsured/Underinsured motorist accidents
  9. DUI accidents
  10. Distracted driver accidents

Helping Car Accident Victims in Roslindale

Once you’ve been in a car accident that has resulted in serious injuries, it’s in your best interest to hire a skilled car accident attorney to guide you through the legal process, advocate for you, and help you seek the compensation that you deserve. Michael Kelly can help and guide you with the following aspects of your car accident suit:

  • We will investigate your case, gather evidence, speak to potential witnesses, and obtain relevant documents such as police reports and medical files.
  • We consult with experts to support the facts of your case. Our vast network of specialists in their field includes those who reconstruct accidents, forensic specialist, life care planners, and more.
  • We will negotiate with the defendant’s insurance carrier and any other parties to the accident to maximize their offers. You can focus on rehabilitation while we deal with insurance companies who try to make low settlement offers to avoid paying out larger sums in the future.
  • We are prepared to litigate your case when settlement is not an option. Some lawyers are weak in the courtroom; Michael Kelly is an aggressive litigator with a track record of success in the courtroom.

Client Reviews


Wow is all I can say. Amazing client relations and even better odds of winning your case! This firm plays no games and leaves no crumbs. If you want to destroy your opponent in the courtroom this is who to use. You will win every time ! Chachingggg 💰💰💰

Erin Crean
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What to Do After a Car Accident in Roslindale, Massachusetts

If you have been in a car accident in Roslindale and sustained injuries, we urge you to use our car accident checklist to make sure that your claim goes smoothly. Here are some tips and highlights from the checklist to get you started:

  • Seek immediate medical attention

    A successful car accident lawsuit requires that you prove that the accident caused your injuries. In addition to prioritizing your health and safety, visiting a physician provides documentation of your injuries for the court and the defense, so they have difficulty claiming that your injuries were sustained at a different time and place. You can visit your regular doctor or head to the emergency room at nearby Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital for treatment if you weren’t transported by ambulance.

  • Gather evidence to support your case

    Although your attorney will get most of what you need, you should try to record as much as possible at the scene of the accident if you are able. Take photos with your cell phone of damage, injuries, cars, etc. You should also try to get names and insurance info from other parties involved in the accident.

  • Don’t talk about your case with others

    It’s best that you don’t speak with friends or family about your accident or post about it on social media. You don’t want the defense to take something that you have said or posted, take it out of context, and use it against you to prevent you from collecting damages or reduce what you might have been able to recover.

Contact Michael Kelly in Roslindale Today

Under Massachusetts law, you have three years to initiate a lawsuit for a car accident from your date of injury. If you, your child, or a loved one has been seriously injured in a car accident, contact an experienced car accident attorney at Michael Kelly in Roslindale soon for a free consultation to discuss the ways in which we can assist you.

Serving The Following Neighborhoods

  • Roslindale, MA
  • 02131

30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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