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Car Accident Lawyer in Worcester, MA

Our experienced accident lawyers in Worcester, MA can help get you the car accident compensation and justice you deserve.

  • 30-day client satisfaction guarantee
  • 24/7 support
  • Personal approach
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A serious car accident can change your life in an instant. One moment you are going about your life, the next you are facing the possibility of thousands of dollars in medical bills. You are not sure where to turn to or what your rights are.

Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers can help. Our team of legal professionals is willing to go the extra mile for you. We can even travel to you, no matter where in Massachusetts you are located.

A car accident lawyer in Worcester can help you protect your rights and pursue compensation. Call to speak to a member of our team.

Car Accident
Car Accident
Car accident
Car Accident
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Types of Car Accidents Our Firm Takes On

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a no-fault state, which means each driver’s insurance covers the damages in less severe car accidents. For example, if an accident causes a ding on your bumper, you would likely pursue compensation through your own policy.

However, there are certain situations in which you can step outside this system and file against the other driver to recover compensation for your damages.

Our firm handles all types of car accident cases, including:

If you sustained injuries in a Worcester, MA car accident, our team can help. Contact us today for a no-obligation review of your case.

A 30-day client satisfaction guarantee for serious injury cases
Personalized service of a small law firm that seeks big results
Available 24/7 to answer your questions or concerns

Damages You May Recover in Your Worcester, MA Car Accident Case

Car accident case values can vary widely based on the details of the case, including the amount of insurance you carry, who was at fault, and your expected recovery time. It is not possible to estimate the amount you will recover before we investigate your case; however, you can rest assured we will fight for every dollar you deserve.

Generally, car accident victims are eligible to pursue the following types of damages.

Medical Bills

In most cases, you can pursue the cost of any medical care you receive as a result of the car accident. Covered medical bills may include emergency transportation, ER care, doctor’s visits, surgery, diagnostic testing, and other required medical services.

Lost Wages and Disability  

You may recover the wages lost as a result of missed time on the job. If you are unable to return to work for an extended period of time, you may recover disability payments as well.

Noneconomic Damages

In some cases, you may be eligible to recover what are called non-economic damages. These types of damages do not have a direct financial loss associated with them the way, for example, a totaled car has a specific monetary value.

Depending on the details of your case, we may pursue pain and suffering, loss of consortium, or wrongful death losses.

Property Damages

You may recover the cost to repair or replace any personal property damaged in the accident. Items may include your vehicle, electronic devices, and personal effects.

For a free case review, contact us today. You have nothing to lose and may have a lot to gain.

Why Choose Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers

A car accident is a traumatic experience. Facing the legal process alone may be even more frightening than the accident itself, but it does not have to be. Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers is on your side to walk you through each step of the way.

Hiring a car accident lawyer is not a task that should be taken lightly. Our firm offers caring, personalized legal care so you can focus on getting better. Here is why we stand apart.

Get a Free Case Evaluation

Get a Free Case Evaluation

Share the details of your situation with us so we can begin advocating on your behalf. We customize our approach to fit the unique needs of each client.
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Personalized Attention to Your Case

When you choose Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers, you will work directly with a personal injury lawyer who understands the legal process and is willing to fight for you. You hired a lawyer, and your case will be handled by a lawyer each step of the way.

Dedicated to Fighting for the Maximum Benefits

Our team is not afraid to take on the insurance companies. If we can settle out of court, we will; however, we are not afraid to take the fight to court to recover what you deserve.

Contact Us 24/7

Your life was turned upside down. We understand that life does not always follow a typical 9-5 schedule, so we are available to answer questions or concerns 24/7. We will even come to meet you at home or in the hospital.

Client Reviews


After I was hit by a car they fought for my case and helped me get back on my feet. Excellent service, would strongly recommend!

Jake Egelberg
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30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

We are so sure about our legal services that we offer a 30-day guarantee. If after 30 days you are not happy with our service, we will turn over your file. No risk, no obligation. You have nothing to lose!

For legal help, contact our team in Worcester, MA.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer in Worcester, MA Today for a Free Review of Your Case

We understand the challenges you are facing. Our team offers aggressive, responsive legal care so you can focus on getting your life back. We are available 24/7 to answer your questions and address any concerns.

After a car accident, you have a limited amount of time to pursue your case in court. Reach out to a car accident lawyer in Worcester, MA today to get started as soon as possible. Call today.

Serving The Following Neighborhoods

  • Worcester, MA
  • 01601
  • 01602
  • 01603
  • 01604
  • 01605
  • 01606
  • 01607
  • 01608
  • 01609
  • 01610
  • 01613
  • 01614
  • 01615
  • 01653
  • 01655

30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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