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Car Accident Lawyer in Attleboro, MA

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Attleboro, MA Car Accident Lawyers

Attleboro, MA Car Accident Lawyers

If you or a family member has been injured as the result of a car accident in Attleboro, MA, it can be hard to know what step to take next. But when someone else’s negligence is the cause of a car accident, the at-fault party should be held accountable for the damages they have caused.

The dedicated attorneys at Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers can help you navigate the process of recovering damages from your accident. Our legal team has helped many clients with cases similar to yours. Our car accident attorneys are proud of our results. Contact us right away for a free case evaluation.

Typical Injuries from a Car Accident in Attleboro, MA

The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports over 300 fatal accidents per year in the state of Massachusetts. Fortunately, most accidents do not result in fatalities, but they do cause a wide variety of injuries that range from minor to life-threatening. Some of the more common injuries are:

  • Whiplash: This trauma results in strained muscles and other soft tissues
  • Scrapes and cuts: Though usually not serious, scrapes and cuts can pose a risk for infections or other complications if left untreated
  • Broken bones: Broken bones are painful and require lengthy periods for healing, which could affect the victim’s ability to work
  • Head injuries and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs): Head injuries, including TBIs, can result in headaches, difficulty sleeping, and trouble to perform routine tasks
  • Internal bleeding: This type of injury is difficult to detect and requires immediate attention from medical professionals
  • Herniated discs: This occurs when one or more vertebrae either ruptures or shifts, causing intense pain and other complications that may limit the victim’s mobility
  • Knee injuries: Knee injuries are both painful and require long periods for healing. Varying in levels of seriousness, they can mean a treatment as simple as a brace or require complex surgeries.
  • Psychological pain, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Often, the pain caused by a car accident is not physical, but psychological. Sometimes car accident victims find it difficult to carry on with their normal routines after the trauma of an accident.

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these injuries or others, contact Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers personal injury law firm. We offer a free, no-risk consultation so you can learn what your options are in pursuing damages after your accident.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately After Your Accident

You should always seek medical attention after a car accident. Sometimes injuries do not show symptoms right away, and a medical professional will help you identify any injuries you may have been unaware of—injuries that could become worse if left untreated.

Seeking immediate medical attention after an accident also allows you to document all of your injuries, connect them with your accident, and receive a care plan from your healthcare practitioner. This documentation will help as you are building your personal injury case.

Damages You May Recover After an Attleboro, MA Car Accident

Damages that you can recover after your Attleboro, MA, car accident will vary. В Massachusetts is a no-fault state, which means that after a car accident, your own insurance may pay for your medical treatment. In order to step outside the no-fault insurance system, your injuries must meet state-specified thresholds. This no-fault system does not apply to damage done to vehicles.

In general, damages that victims can recover after a car accident include:

  • Medical expenses related to the accident, both current and future expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Personal property damages
  • Future wages if the victim cannot return to work after the accident
  • Pain and suffering

While we cannot make any estimates regarding the amount of compensation you will receive as a result of your claim, you can feel confident that our team will protect your rights to pursue the recovery you deserve.

30-Day, Risk-Free Guarantee

In the event that you are dissatisfied within the first 30 days, you may have your file returned to you by the firm, free of charge.
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