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Boston Dog Bite Lawyer

Our experienced accident lawyers in Boston, MA can help get you the dog bites accident compensation and justice you deserve.

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Dog bite injuries are among the most common household injuries today. Currently, about 65.1 million households in the U.S. have at least one dog as a pet. About 4.5 million dog bites occur each year—a rather alarming statistic. About a fifth of those incidents result in the need for medical attention.

Our Boston dog bite lawyers are skilled at recovering compensation for those who have suffered a canine attack and were injured as a result of the negligence of another. Let an experienced dog bite attorney help you file your personal injury claim.

The most common victims of these accidents are young children. These incidents often occur in the home of a loved one or a family friend. The most commonly involved breeds are pit bulls and mixed-breed dogs. Other breeds known for biting include terriers, German shepherds, and Rottweilers.

Dog bite victims can experience emotional distress and an unbearable fear of dogs, which are common for both adults and children. This is just one of many reasons that you might want to seek compensation with the help of dog bite injury attorneys.

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In addition to the emotional suffering that dog bites can cause, they often require serious medical attention. Related injuries frequently include skin and tissue infections, leg and arm wounds, bone fractures, and blood poisoning. In more severe cases, victims may require facial reconstructive surgery, extensive medical treatment, or even ligament amputation.

For many dog bite victims, the cost of medical treatments can be a huge financial burden. In 2022, insurance companies paid an estimated $1.13 billion to victims of such incidents.

If you are a dog bite victim, you may be eligible for compensation for your medical expenses. Our attorneys are here to help you.

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Why You Need a Lawyer for Your Boston Dog Bite Injury

Hiring an experienced lawyer for your injury case is a must to ensure you receive fair compensation. Our Boston personal injury lawyers know how to present your claims and manage the legal process.

A dog bite injuries lawyer can negotiate with insurance companies and address homeowners insurance claims to get you the settlement you deserve. If needed, they will fight for your rights in court.

Handling a dog bite lawsuit on your own can be challenging and stressful. A dog bite law firm will manage all the legal details, allowing you to focus on your recovery. With their expertise, you can maximize your chances of a successful outcome in your bite case.

How a Dog Bite Attorney Can Strengthen Your Claim

Having a dog bite attorney will increase the chances of success of your dog bite claim. Boston dog bite attorneys can gather essential evidence, such as witness statements and photos of the injuries, to support your case. They also obtain medical records to document the extent of your injuries and calculate the total losses, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Your dog bite injury lawyers will negotiate with insurance companies to get you a fair settlement based on the type of animal attack, your emotional injuries, the medical care needed, and any other injury sustained as part of the incident. The expertise of Boston dog bite attorneys in handling canine attacks makes sure all aspects of your claim are thoroughly addressed, increasing the likelihood of receiving full and fair compensation for your injuries.

Massachusetts Dog Bite Injury Laws and Liability

In Massachusetts, dog owners are held strictly liable for any incidents involving their pets. According to Massachusetts law, the owner is responsible for all injuries caused by the animal unless the victim incited the attack by teasing, tormenting, or abusing the dog.

This strict liability means that even if the owner had no prior knowledge of their pet’s aggressive tendencies, they are still held accountable for the damages. Dog bite injury attorneys are experts in understanding these cases.

One important aspect of the law in Massachusetts is that all children under seven years old are presumed not to have incited any attacks. This means that if a child is bitten, the owner cannot claim that the child provoked the animal to avoid liability. Therefore, if you or a loved one has been bitten, it is important to seek out a lawyer who is familiar with Massachusetts dog bite laws.

A skilled attorney can assist you in recovering damages for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. They will take care of the legal complexities and work to secure fair dog bite settlements.

Having legal representation from a Boston dog bite attorney gives you the best chance of receiving full compensation for the injuries sustained in a dog attack. With the right support, you can focus on healing while your dog bite injury attorney handles all the details of your claim.

What Happens If You Were Partially at Fault for Your Dog Bite Injury?

The dog’s owner might be exempt from liability if you were partially at fault for your injury. Massachusetts law states that owners are not liable if the victim incited the attack by teasing, tormenting, or abusing the animal.

However, it’s important to note that children under seven are protected under this law. Regardless of a child’s actions, the owner is held responsible for any animal attacks involving young children. This protection prioritizes the safety of children, and their families can seek compensation for injuries without facing legal hurdles. Your Boston dog bite attorney will be able to navigate the legal system for you.

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Common Injuries from Dog Attacks in Massachusetts

Canine attacks can cause a wide range of injuries, some of which can have long-lasting effects on victims. Understanding the types of physical injuries resulting from these incidents is necessary for anyone seeking compensation under the Massachusetts dog bite law. Thus, a Massachusetts personal injury attorney can help your case.

Below is a list of common bite injuries:

  • Puncture Wounds

    Dog bites often result in deep puncture wounds, which can damage muscles, tendons, and nerves. These wounds also carry a high risk of infection.

  • Broken Bones

    The force of a dog bite or being knocked down by an animal can lead to broken bone injuries. One of the most common types of fractures involves wrist injuries. Other common fractures occur in the hands, arms, legs, and even the skull, requiring extensive medical treatment.

  • Back Injuries

    Back injuries and even a shoulder injury or knee injuries are not uncommon in dog-related incidents. The victim may fall as a result of the attack. In some cases, these falls can result in a herniated disc injury, which can be quite painful and require substantial recovery time.

  • Head Injuries

    Victims, especially children, may suffer head injuries if knocked down or bitten on the head. These can range from minor concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries.

  • Facial Scarring

    Attacks to the face can cause significant facial scarring, which may require reconstructive surgery and lead to lasting emotional suffering.

  • Eye Injuries

    Bites or scratches near the eyes can result in partial or complete vision loss, necessitating specialized medical care and possibly leading to permanent disability.

  • Permanent Scarring

    Bites can leave permanent marks on the skin, affecting both physical appearance and psychological well-being. This may require plastic surgery, which is quite costly, painful, and time-consuming.

  • Infections

    Canine bites can introduce harmful bacteria into the body, leading to severe infections that require prompt medical attention to prevent complications. Therefore, disease control may need to be part of the treatment plan.

  • Emotional Pain

    Beyond physical injuries, such attacks can cause significant emotional upset, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression.

  • Wrongful Death

    In the most tragic cases, severe attacks can result in wrongful death. An experienced attorney who understands dog bite laws is necessary for these tragic dog attack cases.

At Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers attorney for personal injury, we offer a free consultation to understand your personal injury needs. Regardless of the type of injury you sustained, we will fight to get the compensation you deserve.

Compensation for Dog Bite Injuries in Boston

Dog bite victims in Boston can seek various types of economic and non-economic damages to address the consequences of their injuries. Economic damages include medical bills for immediate and ongoing treatment, lost wages due to the inability to work, and any future lost earnings. Non-economic damages cover pain and suffering, emotional distress, and the impact on mental health.

The compensation awarded in a dog-related injury case in Massachusetts depends on several factors, including the severity of the injury, the victim’s age and occupation, and the animal owner’s liability insurance coverage. In some dog bite cases, victims may also be awarded punitive damages. These are designed to punish the owner for negligence and to deter others from similar behavior.

Massachusetts has a “strict liability” law, meaning dog owners are responsible for any damages their pets cause, even if the owner didn’t know about their pet’s aggressive nature and habits. This is not the same as the “one-bite rule” in other states, allowing owners to avoid liability if their pet has never shown aggression before.

Dog attacks can have lasting consequences, both physically and emotionally. Seeking comprehensive compensation is non-negotiable to cover all aspects of recovery and to provide the best possible quality of life for the victim.

Client Reviews


The team at this Law firm is Tremendous! It being my first accident I wasn’t sure on what was going on or how to deal with this, but these guys went above & beyond for me I’m forever grateful. Special shout out to Chris Kelly & Mckenzie Dill ❤️

Tiffany Carter
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Steps to Take After a Dog Bite Incident in Boston

After experiencing a dog attack, victims must take immediate steps to protect their health and legal rights, especially if they plan to pursue a dog bite lawsuit.

Here are some essential actions to follow:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Promptly address any injuries caused by the attack to prevent infection and document the extent of your injuries.
  2. Identify the Dog’s Owner: Obtain contact information from the owner of the animal and verify their insurance company details.
  3. Verify Vaccination Status: To prevent additional health complications, confirm the dog is up-to-date on vaccinations, especially for rabies. If the animal is not current on its rabies vaccination, the bite can cause you to develop rabies, for which you will need treatment.
  4. Report the Incident: Contact local animal control or police to report the attack, as this will help you obtain a record of the event.
  5. Document the Incident: Take photos of your or the victim’s injuries, the location of the attack, and any visible signs of the dog’s aggression.
  6. Gather Witness Information: Collect contact details from anyone who witnessed the attack to support your injury claim.
  7. Consult a Boston Dog Bite Lawyer: If you have been injured, it is crucial to seek legal advice to understand your rights and the potential to recover compensation. An attorney from a reputable Boston law firm like Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers can help you manage interactions with the insurance company and Massachusetts laws.

In Massachusetts, you can also file claims for any injuries caused by a canine, even without a bite, such as being knocked down. These steps will help you to be well-prepared to pursue a claim and receive appropriate compensation for your injuries.

How Long Will It Take to Settle a Dog Bite Case

If you are an injured victim who has experienced dog bites from a dog attack, we understand you will want to settle your injury case as soon as possible. However, the timeline for settling such a case depends largely on the victim’s healing process. In personal injury cases, a lawyer will typically wait until you reach maximum medical improvement before attempting to settle the case with the insurance company or the dog owner.

This helps all medical costs and future needs to be accurately assessed. Cases involving Massachusetts dog bites can vary in length, but the goal is to achieve fair and comprehensive compensation for your injuries. This is why hiring a Boston dog bite lawyer is so important.

Contact Our Boston Dog Bite Lawyers Today

In the event you have been the victim of a dog bite causing injury, call us today. The experienced dog bite attorneys at Michael Kelly Injury Lawyers will manage your case as professionally and courteously as possible. We are available 24/7 to communicate with our clients every step of the way. We are committed to scrupulously representing our clients and making all of our dog bite cases a priority. Simply said, we will not rest until we achieve fair compensation on your behalf.

Our attorneys regularly travel to places convenient for our clients to perform consultations and would be more than happy to extend that benefit to you. The consultation is free and confidential. If you would like to speak with one of our Boston-based dog bite attorneys, please call us immediately. If you would like one of our Boston dog bite lawyers to contact you, please fill out the free consultation form or call 617-444-4444.

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Dog Bite Laws in Massachusetts

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